’91 honda accord 2 door engine dying

Discussion in 'Accord' started by damnhao, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. damnhao

    damnhao Guest

    my accord dies after a period of use per day. if i’m constantly moving
    at a nice normal speed, the engine doesn’t die. when i stop, put the
    gear into reverse or back into drive, it might die. i do put it in
    neutral at stops which prevents it from dying. what is wrong with my
    damnhao, Mar 18, 2005
  2. damnhao

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Your throttle body could be dirty, causing your base idle speed to be wrong.
    I'd clean the throttle body and check the base idle speed.
    Jafir Elkurd, Mar 18, 2005
  3. damnhao

    chris Guest

    I would check into changing out your air & fuel filter.

    chris, Mar 18, 2005
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