0-20 vs 5-20

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Theodore Kaplan, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. I recently changed the oil in my 05 civic hybrid; changing the oil to 5-20
    mobil 1. Is there any reason to worry? The manual does state that 5-20 is
    ok, but I'd like some feedback from the more knowledgeable about you. Since
    I've only had the oil in there for about 1000 miles, and the total mileage
    is about 5900 miles on the car, should I go short on this oil change and put
    in the original, or continue with what I'm using. Thanks...Ted
    Theodore Kaplan, Jun 10, 2006
  2. Theodore  Kaplan

    TeGGeR® Guest


    A quote from your very own Owner's Manual (page 151), installed by Honda in
    your glove compartment:
    "You may use a synthetic motor oil if it meets the same requirements given
    for a conventional motor oil: it displays the API Certification Seal, and
    it is the proper weight. You must follow the oil and filter change
    intervals given on the maintenance schedule."
    TeGGeR®, Jun 10, 2006
  3. Theodore  Kaplan

    John Horner Guest

    Don't worry about it unless you live near permafrost!

    John Horner, Jun 10, 2006
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