'00 CR-v Check Engine Light (valves)

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Snake, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. Snake

    Snake Guest

    Does everyone know about all the message traffic regarding valve adjustment
    on the 1st Gen. CR-v? Evidently, if you follow the manual and adjust the
    valves using its schedule you stand a good chance of burning your valves and
    needing costly maintenance. I only know this because at 49,000 miles my
    Honda is in a shop getting 2 valves ground and "I'm up to around $1500"
    already on this repair!!! My tech "pleaded" with Honda to make this
    dealership tech, or course, said NO way.

    Please advise if you know of a class action lawsuit or any other recourse
    with Honda!
    Snake, Dec 15, 2004
  2. Snake

    motsco_ _ Guest


    How long have you been out of warranty?

    Honda knows the manual is incorrect. They know the valves tighten on the
    gen 1.. Saying 'Adjust if they get noisy' doesn't work for valves that
    get tighter. The UK version of the manual says 50,000 Km (30,000 miles)
    I think. Sign in and start your search here:


    motsco_ _, Dec 15, 2004
  3. Snake

    Snake Guest

    Thanks. It is because of hondasuv that I even know there are others like me
    out there. There was some talk, maybe you, about a Class Action Lawsuit
    regarding this issue on hondasuv. I have been out of warranty for a long
    time, just ask my wife <G>! My CRv has been out for 13Kmiles and a couple
    of years, I've had it since Nov '99. As I said, my tech called the local
    Dealer and talked to the service department and asked them to do this job as
    an extended warranty since there is the bulletin on it. They told him, "we
    know there is a bulletin but it happens so infrequently we aren't going to
    cover the work out of warranty"... Why they don't just issue a bulletin
    regarding the Manual I don't know...
    I'll let you know what happens by posting this over on hondasuv. My plan is
    to print out the message traffic and take it to the dealership.
    Thanks again,
    Snake, Dec 15, 2004
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