'01 Civic EX Head Gasket Oil Leak

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Zorro_2k, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. Zorro_2k

    Zorro_2k Guest

    My '01 Civic EX commuter car (294,000 mi @ 110 mi/day) has developed a
    head gasket oil leak on the passenger side of the engine, in the area
    right behind the water-jacket. If I stay below 3000 rpm, the leak is
    minimal, but if I drive it hard I quickly get oil all over the
    transmission casing front and rear side.

    A Honda dealership mechanic showed me the leak using dye in the oil
    and ultra-violet light..we had to use an inspection mirror to see into
    this hard to reach area.

    Another private mechanic recommended trying some un-named stop-leak
    chemical before getting into what may be a $1000+ repair. I've never
    hear of a gasket repair chemical to be added to oil, and so I'm kind
    of sceptical of this. Is there such stuff ?

    The car otherwise runs great, with no indications of oil in the
    cooling syste. I'd like to get another 100,000 miles on this car, but
    would the cheap stop-leak chemical solution hold for so long ?
    Zorro_2k, Feb 8, 2010
  2. Zorro_2k

    Tegger Guest

    DO NOT put that stop-leak goop into your engine. That would be /very/

    This sounds more like a simple valve cover gasket leak. If it were truly
    the head gasket, you'd be more likely to lose coolant than oil.

    Check out the valve cover gasket, then make sure the leak's not actually
    coming from the oil filter or oil cooler.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the leak being "behind the water-jacket".
    The water jacket is below the head, and it surrounds the entire block. Any
    leaks will be ABOVE the jacket, not "behind" it.
    Tegger, Feb 8, 2010
  3. Zorro_2k

    jim beam Guest

    that sounds like a v-tec solenoid leak, not head gasket. very common.

    i would question the logic of a dye test in this situation - the source
    of the oil should be obvious. you only use dye in oil when trying to
    distinguish /which/ oil is leaking, like in a gooey mass, whether it's
    transmission, steering or engine, but even then, oils are colored
    differently to aid identification.

    sure, if you don't mind gumming up your lubrication channels also. it's
    the kind of thing you use if you're a sociopath trying to ditch a car
    you know to be a dud and get some sucker to pay a "good car" price for it.

    in addition to fixing the solenoid, i would consider a change of the
    brand of oil you're using. my old car used to leak furiously, then
    stopped after i changed brand to one that had better seal conditioners
    in it. mobil 1 and castrol gtx work well for me in that regard.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2010
  4. Zorro_2k

    Zorro_2k Guest

    Thanks for your comments. The leak appears to be at the head gasket,
    on the passenger (starboard) side of the engine. If you follow the
    transmission/engine block interface up to the top (90-degrees), you'll
    be in the leak area. There is a water jacket (my lingo) attached to
    the head which the radiator hoses couple that makes access/visibility
    to this area nearly impossible.
    Zorro_2k, Feb 9, 2010
  5. Zorro_2k

    Tegger Guest

    Would this be the upper rad hose inlet stub and its two mounting bolts?

    If so, is the leak from ABOVE the stub or BELOW the stub?
    Tegger, Feb 9, 2010
  6. Zorro_2k

    Zorro_2k Guest

    I use Pennzoil 5W-20...have since I got it in Jan 2001, 294500 miles

    I've replaced the V-Tec spool valve gasket, but not the solenoid
    gasket (between the triangular shaped surfaces on top of the spool
    valve). and I do see some slight leakage from that area but certainly
    not as much as I get under strong accelleration. Valve cover gasket
    was just replaced in december when I had a leaking cam-plug and also
    leaking spark plug tube grommets (those o-ring type gaskets) replaced
    Zorro_2k, Feb 9, 2010
  7. Zorro_2k

    jim beam Guest

    so try a different brand that has better seal conditioners!

    logically, the only thing that's going to leak more "under strong
    acceleration" is something in the v-tec circuit. check to make sure
    this is the case vs simply leaking more in the ordinary cam circuit at
    higher revs, which you would expect because oil pressure rises with rpms.

    one more thing - a very small leak can pass an astonishing quantity of
    oil if not fixed. and even a few drops of oil can look like a whole lot
    spread thin over a hot engine. i say check into your "slight leak"
    before bothering with anything else.
    jim beam, Feb 10, 2010
  8. Zorro_2k

    Zorro_2k Guest

    Jim, can you be more SPECIFIC as to WHICH brand has better seal
    conditioners (a factor I have
    never heard taken into account when selecting and oil to use).
    Zorro_2k, Feb 10, 2010
  9. Zorro_2k

    jim beam Guest

    i already have, but you snipped it. google this group for more details
    - this topic has been discussed a number of times.
    jim beam, Feb 11, 2010
  10. Zorro_2k

    Zorro_2k Guest

    Ah...I found it in your previous post...mobil 1 or gtx. Well, I'll try
    some gtx at the next oil change, as in my experience mobil 1 would be
    even MORE prone to leakage/use in high mileage engines, and go to
    10W-30 vs. the 5W-20 as the engine has considerable mileage (about
    295K). I don't need 5W in Florida anyway.
    Zorro_2k, Feb 11, 2010
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