01 Ody 3rd tranny in 5k miles

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by specman1, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. specman1

    specman1 Guest

    Hello, I have a 01 ody that got a new tranny 2 months ago. The new one
    made so much noise that I turned around and took it right back to
    dealer who diagnosed tranny bad. Another 2 week wait and got the 2nd one
    installed. Today I was stopping at a red light and at about a dead stop
    SLAM it felt like someone had rearended us then couple seconds later
    SLAM again at a dead stop. I thought now what the he)) is that. Tomorrow
    it is going to dealer for repair and I know what Im going to here, you
    need another tranny. What Im really PO about is for 6 grand less I could
    have bought a loaded venture or olds mini van but I chose thr honda (my
    first and last) because of its great qualty. Gee did I miss something
    about the quality thing? Is it possible to start lemon law on a vehicle
    with 58 k miles if you keep having tranny problems.
    specman1, Jun 28, 2004
  2. Don't go on the attack aggressively.

    Have your dealership contact the zone rep, and start there. Ask, quite
    nicely, if Honda would like to buy the vehicle back for a fair price and
    sell you a new 04 model at a fair price.

    You may be surprised at the answer.

    http://www.odyclub.com is also a great place to tell this story.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 28, 2004
  3. specman1

    John Horner Guest

    Lemon law details vary considerably state by state.

    John Horner, Jun 29, 2004
  4. specman1

    John Horner Guest

    Here is a quote from the California state web site regarding lemon law

    "The law applies for the entire period of your warranty. For example, if
    your vehicle is covered by a three-year warranty and you discover a defect
    after two years, the manufacturer will have to replace the vehicle or
    reimburse you as outlined above if the manufacturer or its representative is
    unable to conform the vehicle to the express warranty after a reasonable
    number of attempts to do so. "

    You can read more about California lemon laws at:


    A few years ago we received a 100% refund because Chrysler was unable to
    repair certain problems with our Town & Country. We used this firm:


    The process took about three months and resulted in a 100% refund of the
    full original purchase price of the vehicle as well as all attorney's fees
    paid by Chrysler. The law firm reviewed our information and then took the
    case without any payment from us. They know there stuff and can pretty
    quickly tell you if you qualify for a refund under California law.

    If you are in another state then you need to find an attorney in your state
    who specializes in these cases.

    Don't use a local general lawyer. We tried that at first and the local guy
    gave bad advice and didn't know what he was talking about.

    Best of luck,
    John Horner, Jun 29, 2004
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