01 ody gets 4th tranny

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by specman1, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. specman1

    specman1 Guest

    My wifes 01 ody with 100,067 miles just got its 4th tranny put in. I
    would think after 4 Honda would have the kinks worked out by now but
    guess not. The van has never been abused nor towed anything. Is there
    anything to make these things last longer than 25k to 30k? The van has
    otherwise been a great vehicle but Im leary of the ody now and it will
    freeze in Hades before I buy a Toyota.(long story) I will say Honda has
    great CS compared to uncaring crappy Toyota. The reason I chose the ody
    was after owning chrysler and dealing with bad trannys thought the ody
    would be an improvement.
    specman1, Oct 9, 2006
  2. specman1

    tboanzs Guest

    05 Tundra Question.

    If you still have the Tundra, I was having the same problem. Over about
    a 5 month time it went from the same to seriously worse. After finally
    getting the check engine light to stay on it was a cracked cylinder
    head. They checked multiple items from the reading of the check engine
    light and couldn't figure it out. The mechanic finally checked each
    spark plug and cylinder and noticed #3 cylinder plug had condensation
    on it. After cleaning it and trying again they determined that the
    condensation was anti-freeze. They are replacing the head and I don't
    know what else. It is still in the shop, 14K miles on it. If you don't
    have the Tundra, sorry for this post.
    tboanzs, Nov 15, 2006
  3. specman1

    specman1 Guest

    I got rid of that thing after fighting with Toyota and getting no where.
    I lucked out to because you can now get an 06 brand new one for what I
    sold my 05 for. Never been happier to dump a vehicle!
    specman1, Nov 21, 2006
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