01 Odyssey just "clicking" in the garage...

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by Used2be, May 31, 2005.

  1. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    it's a sound coming from under the dash. it doesn't start, of course. it
    has drained the battery over night. but the clicking sound does not stop.
    i don't know WHAT it's trying to do!!!!

    Used2be, May 31, 2005
  2. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    i shouldn't be alarmed about the "loud" ticking sound that has apparently
    gone on all night and caused the problems to begin with?


    Used2be, May 31, 2005
  3. Used2be

    motsco_ _ Guest


    You can boost it to start it, or put a battery charger on it for a
    couple hours, but afterwards you should disconnect the battery for ten
    seconds to allow the van to reset a couple of things that get confused.
    You'll also need to reset your radio's security code if it has the
    blinking light on the faceplate.

    motsco_ _, May 31, 2005
  4. Used2be

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Nope. The ticking is probably just some circuit that's gone wonky
    because of low voltage. Possibly the gear shift lockout solonoid. It's
    actually the headlights, or the interior lights that's run the battery
    dead. That's why it's a good idea to 'unplug' the battery from the car,
    so all systems can get a fresh restart.

    Look at odyclub.com to find out how common this problem is, especially
    on the '99 + series. The newer ones have WAY more power gizmos, and
    sliding doors that don't always close properly.

    motsco_ _, May 31, 2005
  5. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    thanks curly, i'll give your advice a shot first!!

    mine doesn't have automatic doors, thankfully. with a toddler at the time,
    i was afraid of those suckers! :)

    of course odyclub.com's forums are down at the moment. :/ but i did find
    that excellent picture of the torture someone did to a perfectly good honda
    odyssey! :-D

    Used2be, May 31, 2005
  6. Used2be

    TomP Guest

    Got kids? They put coins in the CD players and the results can be

    -------- __o
    ----- -\<. -------- __o
    --- ( )/ ( ) ---- -\<.
    -------------------- ( )/ ( )
    TomP, May 31, 2005
  7. Used2be

    Used2be Guest


    yeah, but they are too old for that. actually i figured it out. my hubby
    didn't quite get the hatch closed yesterday and so that drained the battery.

    Used2be, May 31, 2005
  8. Ah, you have an LX. When the doors are open, the lights stay on.

    On an EX, they're on a timer--5 minutes and they're off.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 31, 2005
  9. Are you kidding? My toddlers both figured those things out in no time.

    In fact, I wouldn't have a van without electric doors, now that I've had
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 31, 2005
  10. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    well, i wasn't worried about her figuring them out! i was worried about her
    getting crushed!
    you must be a man. you know...loving "gadgets" and all. :)
    Used2be, May 31, 2005
  11. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    geez, i'm starting to understand the tail end of your nick now.

    Used2be, May 31, 2005
  12. Used2be

    Woody Guest

    Those Ody's with the power doors also have light control circuitry that will
    prevent you killing the battery by leaving them on.....
    Woody, May 31, 2005
  13. Used2be

    Paul Guest

    : it's a sound coming from under the dash. it doesn't start, of course. it
    : has drained the battery over night. but the clicking sound does not stop.
    : i don't know WHAT it's trying to do!!!!
    : ~cindy
    Mine did that a couple of years ago after I left the interior lights on
    overnight and drained the battery. It's some kind of solenoid or relay or

    Paul, May 31, 2005
  14. well, i wasn't worried about her figuring them out! i was worried about her
    getting crushed![/QUOTE]

    Didn't the salesman demonstrate the doors for you?

    Crushing isn't an issue.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 1, 2005
  15. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    Didn't the salesman demonstrate the doors for you?

    Crushing isn't an issue.

    and i'm supposed to BELIEVE those guys????


    ps...they say that about elevators and garage doors as well, and yet....
    Used2be, Jun 1, 2005
  16. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    yeah, i know...but it sure is freaky to have your vehicle "ticking" when no
    one is inside of it. :)
    Used2be, Jun 1, 2005
  17. and i'm supposed to BELIEVE those guys????


    ps...they say that about elevators and garage doors as well, and yet....[/QUOTE]

    So you don't use elevators???

    If you don't believe the salesman, believe the owners who have children:
    crushing isn't an issue.

    Once you've had the electric doors, you never go back. Even with
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 1, 2005
  18. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    well....they DO give me the creeps. and i DO make sure my little one is
    fully in the elevator before the door begins to close. if you'll remember
    last year in houston, a surgeon was decapitated in a hospital elevator when
    his head got caught in the elevator doors which did NOT open back up (like
    they are "supposed" to do when they detect something in the way). the
    elevator went up...and his head was sheared off as it changed floors.
    well, i should just believe "you" right? just because it hasn't happened to
    yeah, kinda like eddie murphy eh? "once you've had a man with no legs baby,
    there ain't NO going back!" <g>

    yer fun to argue with, elmo.

    seriously, though, another reason i hate those electric doors is when it's
    raining very hard, you have to sit there waiting FOREVER for the silly
    things to close. when you close them manually, you can close them as fast
    as you want. with as little rain getting in as possible.

    forgive me, dahling, for not liking "gadgets" as much as the next guy (or
    gal, as the case may be).


    ps...i also hated the wheels on the EX. i much prefer the cheaper, albeit
    nicer looking ones on the LX. i also thought the cost of the wheels on the
    EX was highway robbery and therefore refused to spend my hard earned money
    on something so grossly overpriced. so ultimately what i did was got an LX
    and had all of the extras (top of the line sound system, luggage rack, tv,
    etc) added to it that i wanted thus getting (and paying for) "exactly" the
    vehicle i wanted. ;-) and nothing more.
    Used2be, Jun 1, 2005
  19. well, i should just believe "you" right? just because it hasn't happened to

    I'm just saying, you can go through life paranoid if you like....
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 1, 2005
  20. Used2be

    Used2be Guest

    I'm just saying, you can go through life paranoid if you like....

    oh sure, just cut out the parts you don't like and leave only the parts that
    make me look paranoid!!! <bg>

    all this from a guy named ELMO!!!

    Used2be, Jun 1, 2005
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