02 Honda Civic EX (Please Help)

Discussion in 'Civic' started by aherdfom, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. aherdfom

    aherdfom Guest

    I have a 2002 Honda Civic EX. I am having trouble with the cars
    gas mileage and also with power. Here is what its doing: Every time I
    get to a ¼ of a tank it runs really bad. At first when I am starting
    my car it has to crank like 4 or 5 times before it will fire up but if
    I crank it once or twice and then turn it to the off position and then
    try again it will fire right up like it is suppose to. The other things
    it is doing is it will stall out on me when I try to accelerate and
    sometimes will die unless I ride the clutch. Then when I am just
    sitting at an intersection it will stutter and bog out like it wants to
    die. The catch to it is though when I am on a full tank it runs fine
    except for the bad gas mileage. I am not a mechanic by any means and I
    have taken this car to 3 different people and have gotten 3 different
    answers. I am tired of wasting my money with dishonest people.
    The check engine light is on and it reads that the fuel is
    running lean, but why would I be getting this bad of gas mileage. When
    I say I am getting bad gas mileage I am getting about 200 miles to a
    tank and anyone who owns a Honda knows that's horrible. The problems
    that have been told to me are this

    1. That I have a crack in my exhaust manifold.
    2. I need a new fuel pump.
    3. My fuel gauge is off.

    I am hoping some one on here might be able to help me out on
    figuring out what's going on so I can get my car back to normal
    aherdfom, Jan 23, 2007
  2. Hi,

    If could be a number of things and a mechanic would be able to tell you
    after checking it out. However like me you really want to know what is
    happening, and mechanics are expensive you can cheat a bit. One way is
    to buy an ODBII gadget. ODBII is a interface installed in all US cars
    since 1996, that is by US law. So you will have such an interface. Hook
    up the gadget and read off the code. That diagnostic code will tell you
    why the CHECK ENGINE light is on.

    My hunch / wild guess is that your Oxygen sensor is broken, or you have
    a bad connection between the sensor and the cars engine control
    computer. The sensor is saying "hey the mixture is lean lean lean" and
    the computer is saying OKI'll compensate and tries to push as much fuel
    into the engine as it can. Hence your high fuel usage.

    If you Google ODBII there are a few web sites that explain the
    interface. 2002 is a relatively new car, so I think the Oxygen sensor
    may still be O.K. could be a lose connection. O2 sensors cost about $US
    90, and I have been told are realatively easy to replace by yourself. I
    have never done it myself!

    Best, Mike.
    sacstinkytiger, Jan 23, 2007
  3. aherdfom

    z Guest

    One simple guess is water or such in the gas somewhere; add gas drier
    to tank and change fuel filter, (probably best to do at more or less
    the same time). Both relatively cheap and easy and you have to change
    the fuel filter every now and then anyway, so if it's wrong, no big
    loss. If that doesn't do it, check fuel line pressure, might be a
    clogged fuel line that needs to be blown out, might be the fuel pump,
    might be a cloggy injector that might be fixable by injector cleaner or
    might need replacing.
    z, Jan 23, 2007
  4. aherdfom

    Tegger Guest

    wrote in @k78g2000cwa.googlegroups.com:

    See my reply to this identical message independently posted to
    Tegger, Jan 23, 2007
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