I have/had a 2002 Accord that was stolen. When it was taken, the car was locked, with the alarm set. Granted, it was the factory alarm. My question -- how did they do that? I thought the accord has some sort of chip in the key that was supposed to help prevent (not always prevent, I realize) theft. Any ideas? I'm guessing the got in the car w/ a slim-jim or something and somehow got the car started, in spite of the alarm going off. It was in a parking lot, but I know that most people ignore car alarms........
wrote in They probably just put it up on a wrecker, with dollies on the other wheels. Repo men (just as example) simply hook up one end, drag it around the corner out of sight, then dolly the other end to take it further. Takes just seconds. I've seen it. No need for keys or immobilizer bypass.