'03 Accord A/C Problem Codes?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dick, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. Dick

    Dick Guest

    We have a 2003 Accord V-6 w/Nav and auto heat and A/C. Lately, there
    has been a problem with the A/C suddenly coming on and blowing very
    cold air when it doesn't need to. My experience with auto systems has
    always been that the A/C runs most of the time, and the heater is
    modulated to maintain the set temperature. I have never seen one that
    blasts out cold air at seemingly random times when the car has been
    running for a while. I know it will do that when a car is hot, and
    you first start it up. It never did this until a couple of months

    I took it to the dealer, and they said the tech tried it out and it
    seemed normal to him. They also said there is no computer test for
    the A/C per se, and they would have to take the underdash unit out to
    check it. I think that is complete hogwash. I can't imagine a 2003
    vehicle that can't be diagnosed for system problems without taking
    everything apart. Even our 1993 Jeep has pages of diagnostic codes
    related to the automatic HVAC system. I don't have the shop manuals
    for the Accord. Can someone tell me if the dealer is full of prunes
    or not?

    Dick, Mar 14, 2007
  2. Dick

    motsco_ Guest


    Your suspicions sound right. Why not just get a manual off eBay? Are you
    keeping your rad and reservoir above the MIN mark? Your computer can
    start doing all kinds of unusual things if the coolant level in the rad
    gets low. Just a thought.
    motsco_, Mar 14, 2007
  3. Dick

    Dick Guest

    Thanks Curly. I'll check it this morning. Although just having come
    back from the dealer for routine service, they should have topped off
    all fluids.

    Dick, Mar 14, 2007
  4. Dick

    Tegger Guest

    Your interior temp control is probably ultimately effected through the
    use of motor-activated blend doors. I don't have a service manual for
    the Accord, but the RSX has a heater control valve, which is also
    operated by a motor.

    The problems you describe sound like blend doors not opening and closing
    properly. This may be electrical or mechanical.

    The Service Manual will have a large troubleshooting section on the A/C,
    as well as copious, well-executed diagrams showing how the system works.
    Of course, none of that means anything if the mechanic is too lazy to
    open the book...

    The dealership should also check for TSBs, in case this is a known

    You are correct. There IS a "chicken dance" that must be performed in
    order to extract trouble codes from the A/C control unit. This "dance"
    is detailed in the service manual, which your dealership surely has a
    copy of.

    He not full of prunes, he's full of what you eventually get when you eat
    lots of prunes.

    By the way, your warranty MAY still be in effect. Check your purchase
    agreement. This is something that should be covered, even if you're just
    out of warranty.
    Tegger, Mar 14, 2007
  5. Dick

    Tegger Guest

    A question:Does this only happen when you have the system turned to

    And what's "a while"?
    Tegger, Mar 14, 2007
  6. Dick

    Dick Guest

    A while is after the engine gets up to temperature. But I have also
    seen it start throwing out cold air shortly after leaving home. It
    could be 45 degrees outside and the A/C comes on. Before all this
    started, the system would not put out anything at that temp until the
    engine was warm, then it would begin heating gently.

    The system is set to full automatic for normal heating and air
    conditioning. My side is usually set a couple of degrees warmer than
    my wife's side, but that shouldn't make any difference.
    Dick, Mar 15, 2007
  7. Dick

    Tegger Guest

    So before that the system acts normally? This is important. ALL details
    are important in these cases.

    Oh, okay...

    If set to full-auto, the A/C will operate while attempting to
    defrost/defog the windows. This is done in order to dehumidify the air
    so as to facilitate speedier defogging. If the blend doors fail to
    function correctly, you will feel the cold air coming out of the vents.

    You need to find a more diligent dealer. Honda provides dealers with
    piles of information on A/C troubleshooting over and above that
    available in the shop manual.
    Tegger, Mar 15, 2007
  8. Dick

    Dick Guest

    Yes, I knew the A/C worked for defogging, but it shouldn't be ice-cold
    air. It should be heated. I agree, the blend doors are probably not
    working right. Problem with changing dealers is that the next one is
    100 miles away. Maybe I can go to a good A/C shop. I know of one.
    Dick, Mar 15, 2007
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