'03 Civic LX seatbelt reminder beeps

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Travis, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. Travis

    Travis Guest

    Hi all. I just today got a new Civic LX sedan, 5-speed. I really
    like the car except for one thing. I know I *should* wear my seatbelt
    but sometimes on a short trip I don't want to put it on. I noticed
    today as I drove to the video store which is less than 2 miles from my
    house (less than a mile of that is outside of my neighborhood) that
    the seatbelt warning light came on after about a minute and made some
    pretty annoying beeps. Maybe 7-8 of them, then it got quiet again for
    about a minute, then right back to the beeping. Anyone know a trick
    for disabling this short of cutting into the wiring in the seatbelt
    and bypassing the whole thing? I read through the owners' manual and
    they mention this "feature" but don't give a way to disable it. Thank
    Travis, Jan 30, 2004
  2. Travis

    Dean Guest

    Did you try buckling the passenger's seat belt into the driver's buckle?
    What's your reason for not wearing the seat belt? Because you're too lazy to
    buckle up, or because it's uncomfortable?

    I wear my seat belt all the time, so I didn't even know the Civic has a seat
    belt beep. I know that it beeps right after I start the car, but I didn't
    know it would do so after a minute of driving. That's odd, because the Civic
    doesn't even beep when my door's not properly closed when driving.
    Dean, Jan 30, 2004
  3. Travis

    Travis Guest

    No, and I don't want to do that. I normally wear my seatbelt and
    don't need a reminder beep to tell me it's not on. It would be even
    more of a pain to be hooking up the driver's belt and passenger belt
    and later unhooking them when I wanted to make a trip that was longer
    than a mile or so.
    Because it's inconvenient for a short trip. I normally wear it for
    any trip over a couple of miles in length.
    Why is it not properly closed? Because you're too lazy to properly
    close it or because it's uncomfortable to close it properly? See how
    that sounds? If it makes you think I'm being rude then re-read your
    response to my original post.
    Travis, Jan 30, 2004
  4. Travis

    K5 Guest

    Maybe just get a clip from the wrecking yard and plug it in? (and hope
    some cell phone yakking, durango driving soccer mom doesn't blow a stop sign
    and turn you into a quadrapalegic when you get ejected 1.5 miles from home
    so the rest of us can support you for the rest of your life - sorry -
    couldn't resist the urge to pontificate).
    K5, Jan 30, 2004
  5. I knew this was going to happen. OK, you may continue....

    "K5" wrote
    Howard Lester, Jan 30, 2004
  6. I *think* that the "beeps forever" seatbelt reminder is required by law from
    2004 onward in the United States.

    Joshua J. Belsky, Jan 30, 2004
  7. Travis

    K5 Guest

    Thanks Dad.
    K5, Jan 30, 2004
  8. Travis

    Travis Guest

    Welcome to Amerika! :p
    *breaks out wire clippers, extra wire and electrical tape*
    Travis, Jan 30, 2004
  9. Travis

    Robert Guest

    Robert, Jan 30, 2004
  10. Travis

    Travis Guest

    Or just ride my motorcyle for short trips and don't wear a helmet?
    Travis, Jan 30, 2004
  11. Travis

    Travis Guest

    Kiss my ass.
    Travis, Jan 30, 2004
  12. Travis

    K5 Guest

    K5, Jan 31, 2004
  13. Travis

    Tegger® Guest

    Aren't you a smarmy one.
    Tegger®, Jan 31, 2004
  14. Travis

    Tegger® Guest

    Isn't it sad when those who want to regain control of their own lives are
    called "idiots"? Whatever happened to the rebellious American spirit that
    killed seatbelt/ignition interlocks in 1975?
    Tegger®, Jan 31, 2004
  15. Travis

    Travis Guest

    People like robert with no spine helped to kill that spirit. He
    probably lives in the middle of a desert but still retro-fitted hand
    cranks to his windows in case his car became submerged in a
    flash-flood so he could get out without drowning.
    Travis, Jan 31, 2004
  16. Travis

    Travis Guest


    Get over it. I asked a polite question. If you can't answer it then
    I don't need your blubbering.
    Travis, Jan 31, 2004
  17. Travis

    Tegger® Guest

    If you get the factory workshop manual (and the electrical wiring diagram
    one), you will probably find that adding a jumper wire in a particular
    place will disable that annoying nonsense. I can help you with that, by
    private email if necessary.

    I understand the annoyance. We have a '99 Tercel. Its seatbelt light
    constantly flashes as long as the ignition is on, but with no noise. When
    we move cars in our one-car-wide driveway, my wife HATES it when that red
    light flashes insistently at her as she sits there waiting for me to move
    my car so she can pull in. She is religious about wearing her belt in
    normal driving. She'd like that light disabled, but I haven't got around to
    it yet.

    I *have* disabled the DRLs and airbag though, another thing she wanted.

    I never wear my seatbelt. We never did when we were kids. My mother still
    does not, and she's 77. What's the big deal now? Did you know that seatbelt
    usage reduces your statistical risk of death or severe injury by 45%? That
    means that if you wear your belt and drive 20 miles, you assume the same
    risk as someone who does not wear his belt and drives 11 miles.
    Tegger®, Jan 31, 2004
  18. Travis

    K5 Guest

    Chill. It was tongue-in-cheek but I hate those little smiley face emoticon
    things. For such a free spirit, you sure are uptight. I'll bet you run
    with scissors too. Just kidding. J U S T K I D D I N G!
    K5, Jan 31, 2004
  19. No, it most certainly does NOT mean that.
    Chris Aseltine, Jan 31, 2004
  20. Wow.
    Chris Aseltine, Jan 31, 2004
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