[QUOTE] It may be a thrill for you to ride without a seatbelt but that doesn't quite do it for me.[/QUOTE] I use my seatbelts. No thrill for me, but when you admit you "should" wear it, but don't, my only thought was "cheap thrill." [QUOTE] And wearing my seatbelt would somehow make it easier for me to avoid hitting a kid? That's interesting. No, just kidding. It's not interesting at all. Just wrong.[/QUOTE] That's not what I meant. If you have to make a quick move to avoid someone or something, the odds of you hitting your head on the windshield is increased. Then again, the way you've approached this discussion, the whack to your noggin might just instill the sense that the good people of this ng are trying to make you understand. Tegger is right. You can do as you please. But, you shouldn't get all bent out of shape because the majority disagrees with your logic. When you break it down, we're looking out for your best interest. Why be so standoffish about it?