'03 Civic LX seatbelt reminder beeps

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Travis, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. Travis

    ravelation Guest

    I use my seatbelts. No thrill for me, but when you admit you "should"
    wear it, but don't, my only thought was "cheap thrill."
    That's not what I meant. If you have to make a quick move to avoid
    someone or something, the odds of you hitting your head on the
    windshield is increased.
    Then again, the way you've approached this discussion, the whack to your
    noggin might just instill the sense that the good people of this ng are
    trying to make you understand.

    Tegger is right. You can do as you please.
    But, you shouldn't get all bent out of shape because the majority
    disagrees with your logic. When you break it down, we're looking out for
    your best interest.
    Why be so standoffish about it?
    ravelation, Feb 2, 2004
  2. Travis

    Travis Guest

    I asked a simple question and got called lazy and was told I was a bad
    example for my kids. You figure it out.
    Travis, Feb 2, 2004
  3. Travis

    Travis Guest

    Good point. I'm finished with this thread.
    Travis, Feb 2, 2004
  4. What's your reason for not wearing the seat belt? Because you're too lazy
    I wouldn't worry about it. When you get into your 15 mph accident, slide
    forward due to lack of seatbelt and have the airbag go off and crush your
    chest and/or break your neck, most likely killing you, you won't have to
    worry about the annoying beeping anymore.
    Scott MacLean, Feb 3, 2004
  5. Travis

    Travis Guest

    Nah, I don't have a pencil-neck like you do but thanks for your
    concern, snapper-head. :)
    Travis, Feb 3, 2004
  6. Travis

    ravelation Guest

    LOL It's funny, because it's true. I'm scared to death of my airbag.
    ravelation, Feb 4, 2004
  7. Put on the seatbelt.
    Ernest Cassirer, Feb 6, 2004
  8. Travis

    HyDr0 Guest

    why would they give you info on disabling it. that kind of defeats the
    purpose of having it. they figure if you cannot stand the beeping you will
    put the seatbelt on. just wear it you will be surprised at how fast u get
    used to putting it on and it will save your life when u least expect it to.
    HyDr0, Feb 6, 2004
  9. ============
    HyDro, you said: "when u least expect it to"

    That's a keen observation. You'd probably agree that the people who get
    killed in car wrecks are the same people who, if they had lived, would
    have said: "You know, I wasn't expecting to be involved in a terrible
    crash or I would have worn my seat belt, set my headrest at the correct
    height, read the instructions that came with my kid's carseat, learned
    how ABS works, taken a defensive driving course, read the fine owner's
    manual, kept a fire extinguisher in the car, and taken a first aid
    course, etc, etc, etc.

    Peer pressure has no effect on people once they're dead, ie: Have you
    ever gone to a funeral of somebody who died needlessly, and while you're
    listening to the glowing liturgy, you wonder if everybody else
    (including the priest) is thinking the same thing you're thinking: "What
    an irresponsible JACKASS _______ was, because of his STUPIDITY, he's
    short-changed his family of 20, 30, maybe 50 more years of wonderful living.

    You almost want to say it out loud, but instead, you all say AMEN, and
    they roll the casket down the aisle.


    Eat your fibre.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 6, 2004
  10. Travis

    HyDr0 Guest

    stopping short is also a way for you to go through a windshield there does
    not have to be anyone else involved in the accident. nobody said it had to
    THEY ARE CALLED ACCIDENTS. which is also why you should wear your seatbelt
    all the time.i lost one of my best friends because he WAS NOT WEARING HIS
    SEATBELT he died less then 5 minutes from his house. he turned a corner hit
    black ice lost control hit a tree....went through the windshield . which is
    why i press people on wearing seatbelts. i dont say it to be a dick. i
    really dont. its just better to see people wear their seatbelts and know
    that if they do infact get into an accident that they will have some sort of
    chance. thats all i wanted to say ...

    HyDr0, Feb 6, 2004
  11. I've remained silent on this till now but I think it's time to pipe up.
    It's been known for years that a large %age of accidents - don't have
    numbers off the top of my head - happen in the first 5mins or so of
    driving. There is a conditioning process which happens when you get in a
    car and drive - it takes a little bit of time to tune out some of the
    little trivialities of life and bring the concentration up to the level
    required for road safety in terms of reaction time, overall awareness of
    surroundings, road conditions and other vehicles on the road.

    Add in the fact that the first few minutes may be in local housing roads,
    where many people "switch off", including those coming home - that feeling
    that they live there so this bit of road sort of belongs to them and they
    *know* that they've run this and that stop sign umpteen times (even
    slowly), cut a few corners here and there, reversed out of the driveway
    without paying proper attention, with no undue consequences.... until!!
    Some of my near misses have been within a mile or so of leaving the house
    and I see plenty who don't "miss", fortunately mostly fender benders. For
    anyone who considers a seat belt worth wearing anytime, that first 5mins
    can be the most important.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Feb 7, 2004
  12. Travis

    HyDr0 Guest

    No you make a very good point about that its true.

    HyDr0, Feb 12, 2004
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