'03 CR-V owners -- does your car do this?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Martin Goldman, Oct 12, 2003.

  1. All,

    I brought my '03 CR-V in for the two recalls. While I was there, I asked
    them to check out two minor issues I'd noticed. Whenever I lock/unlock the
    doors using the power locks, the doors lock/unlock as expected, but then I
    hear a "groaning" noise coming from all four locks. In addition, I was
    noticing a creaking sound coming from the rear when performing slow
    manuevers (backing out of driveway, 3-point turn, etc.) Dealer said these
    issues are "normal." That seems kinda lame to me. Those of you who own the
    '03 CR-V, have you noticed these things?

    Martin Goldman, Oct 12, 2003

  2. ------------------------------------


    Sorry to tell you this, your dealer is a BOOB. You need to have the
    'Dual Pump Fluid' in the rear differential changed right away. You
    didn't mention your mileage, but owners of CRVs are complaining of this
    problem as early as 30,000 miles, even though the manual states the
    interval is much higher. I used to have a bookmark but I lost it. Do a

    Forget what your dealer says. Change it yourself. You need 1.2 litres, a
    drain pan, 3.5 feet of plastic tubing and a small funnel. Tape the
    tubing to a yard stick and run it straight to the filler hole over the
    rear left tire.


    P.S. Save the old fluid to compare the color.


    To REPLY: If there are a couple of underscores in my return address,
    you must remove them to reply directly . . . . . . Thanks.

    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 12, 2003
  3. Martin Goldman

    Chris Garcia Guest

    Martin Goldman <> decided to join the
    conversation on 12 Oct 2003 with message
    The locks in both my 91 and 96 Civics make some sort of sound after
    unlock/locking.. It almost sounds like something repressurizing.. So at
    least you're not alone. :) I'm pretty sure it's normal.. Unless the
    groaning is REALLY loud and abnormal..


    http://www.ChrisGarcia.com <- My Homepage
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    http://starwars.chrisgarcia.com/ <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-
    town" of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Oct 12, 2003
  4. Martin Goldman

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    All my Hondas do this. So its normal, at least in Hondas.

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Oct 12, 2003
  5. Martin Goldman

    yvrwfc Guest

    My old 89 Civic LX did the same thing with the lock/unlock sound. It worked
    and I sort of got used to it. Now that I hv sold my civic and just got a new
    03CRV... i'll watch out for the noise...

    1 thing though.. after driving the car for the last 48 hours.. I hv found at
    times the windshield wiper "sluggish" ... (not moving smoothly)... We rained
    all day last 2 days.. so definitely not becos my windshield was dry.. In
    fact, the odd thing was .. after "misting", the wiper seemed to perform
    normally.. But as soon as I turn on the wiper (intermittent or regular
    mode).. the "sluggishness" returned... any tips?

    yvrwfc, Oct 12, 2003
  6. Well, I'm only at 5000 miles. :) A far cry from 30k. Could this still be an

    Martin Goldman, Oct 13, 2003
  7. Martin Goldman

    SF Guest

    SF, Oct 13, 2003
  8. -------------------
    Martin, look here:


    Searching is so easy at google... this particular thread is talking
    about two different things.

    1 On ice or packed snow, if you put an AWD CR-V into a park-brake skid,
    you'll get a horrendous noise from the rear end as it tries to lock up
    the front wheels. (back wheels are going '0', therefore it tries to make
    front wheels do the same) A four-wheel sideways skid is very
    unsophisticated looking.

    2 If the fluid isn't doing it's job perfectly, you'll get a similar, but
    softer 'groan' or 'skrunch' noise when you turn sharply and apply power.
    For a few dollars, and a some plastic tubing, you can be sure that your
    differential is perfect.

    Caveat: You must be using four tires of equal size and pressure or the
    (noise) problem will appear under more common driving conditions.




    To REPLY: If there are a couple of underscores in my return address,
    you must remove them to reply directly . . . . . . Thanks.

    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 13, 2003
  9. Martin Goldman

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Little over 30000 km on my 2002 CR-V EX. Drove it in mud, sand, snow,
    extremely cold and hot wather and so far, so good.
    No noise what so ever from the drive train.
    BTW, I was really impressed. For a part time AWD, it did very good in lot of
    places I wouldn't even try to pass through with a car.
    Paul Bielec, Oct 14, 2003
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