[QUOTE] me. if you've used it, the habit of non-capitalization is pretty much essential. i never said it wasn't. read the statement i made - don't mischaracterize then criticize the mischaracterization.[/QUOTE] You lying, moronic, deceptive, obfuscating, self-aggrandizing, pompous, overblown miserable bag of shit. I recognize that this is all you have, but JUST ONE TIME, pretend to be an adult and take responsibility for what you say, and what it means. Try getting out of your mom's basement and interacting with some real humans; they won't really hurt you. For the love of Christ, take a chance! It can't possibly any worse than whatever hell you're living now. By the way, I could easily spell out (as I have in the past) what you said, and what it means, and what it was intended to mean... and you'd completely ignore it, and go on to make a pointless argument about something entirely different. I won't do that, and you may say what you like. But this is a public forum, 'jim', and anyone who cares to can read it, and draw their own conclusions. Why don't you man up, for once? RFT!!! Dave Kelsen