'04 Accord DX: no radio code?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dave Garrett, May 24, 2004.

  1. Dave Garrett

    Dave Garrett Guest

    My dad recently bought an '04 Accord DX, and just realized last week
    that he'd not received a radio code in any of the usual places when he
    took delivery. He stopped by the dealer, and they said they'd look it
    up, but after a while came back and said that the DX models didn't have
    a radio code as that feature wasn't offered on them.

    Is this true, or is the dealer mistaken (deliberately so or otherwise)?
    I thought the radio code/anti-theft measures were radio-specific, not

    Dave Garrett, May 24, 2004
  2. Dave Garrett

    SAC 441 Guest

    I find it hard to believe that an Accord does not have a code entry
    procedure with the CD/Radio on a 2004 model.I have a 2003 (bought new
    last December) Honda Civic EX and it has one.And the Civic is considered
    a lower level car BELOW the Accord line.So,the Accord should have one
    just because it is a higher priced model vehicle.I am no expert on
    Accords,but this sounds logical to me.
    SAC 441, May 24, 2004
  3. Dave Garrett

    Pete Golding Guest

    The 2004 LX radio doesn't. I installed the add-on tape deck and called the
    dealer to get my codes. They told me it didn't use one. After
    disconnecting power and reconnecting it, the radio still worked (stations
    did need to be reset.)
    Pete Golding, May 24, 2004
  4. My '03 Accord DX has no radio code. The radio simply isn't worth
    stealing (AM/FM/CD, with provision for a CD changer). The higher
    trim lines have different radios.

    Gene S. Berkowitz, May 24, 2004
  5. Dave Garrett

    Nick Guest

    This is only the EX trim models. There should be a little red led
    light that flashes when the car is turned off.

    Hope this helps,
    Nick, May 24, 2004
  6. You know, your father just bought a $20,000 car.

    Don't you think that ONE of you would have bothered to look this up in
    the owner's manual?

    Or did you just throw that away, because after all you know how to drive
    a car.

    $20,000 is apparently nothing to you, like spending $3 on a watch. Who
    needs an owner's manual?
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 24, 2004
  7. Dave Garrett

    Lowryter Guest

    a DX model sells for about $15k plus options
    Lowryter, May 25, 2004
  8. Dave Garrett

    Pete Golding Guest


    Chill dude! I seriously doubt that the owners' manual even mentions radio
    codes since the radio doesn't require it (I'm out of town right now or I'd
    double check my manual.) Why do you have to be a jerk, the man was asking a
    very reasonable question.
    Pete Golding, May 25, 2004
  9. Yes, it does. The manual references ALL radio models, because there's
    only one single manual for all trim levels.

    Which you'd know if you'd bothered to read the bloody thing.

    Bullshit. Read the owner's manual first, BEFORE asking to be spoon-fed
    information that's clearly documented.

    This world is full of people who expect to be spoon-fed at every turn.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 25, 2004
  10. Dave Garrett

    Dave Garrett Guest

    It certainly is. Unfortunately for you, I'm not one of them.

    I didn't have ready access to either my dad's car or its owner's manual
    at the time, so I posted the question here instead. Since the dealer he
    purchased the car from was the same one who told him to bring the car in
    so they could look up the radio code, maybe you ought to be telling them
    to RTFM instead of me.

    I suggest you save your vitriol for such boils on the backside of Usenet
    as spammers, trolls, and top-posters, instead of embarking upon
    misguided crusades against people with legitimate questions. In the
    meantime, I cordially invite you to kneel and nurse.

    Dave Garrett, May 25, 2004
  11. You had access to your father, who certainly had access to the manual.
    You could have asked him, "Hey, have you looked in the manual?"

    I have no comment on the dealership. Of course, they may not have known
    you were talking about a non-EX model.

    When you come here asking to be spoon-fed very obvious things that are
    well-documented in the owner's manual for your shiny new
    many-thousand-dollar automobile, that's not legitimate.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 25, 2004
  12. Dave Garrett

    K5 Guest

    Dave: my '03 DX didn't come with a radio code either. My '04 LX did come
    with a radio code. As far as the manual goes, it might be that it is
    inaccurate. The version that I got is for all models and generically says a
    radio code is required. (That wouldn't be the only inaccuracy in the
    manual. I noticed that the oil volume in the manual is different than what
    the technical spec's say on the Honda website. I noticed that when I
    changed the oil and it was about 1/2 quart low.) Anyway, I'm glad you
    posted because that was something that I have been meaning to check out in
    prepration for that first battery change.
    K5, May 25, 2004
  13. Dave Garrett

    JM Guest

    I didn't have ready access to either my dad's car or its owner's manual
    Yes, as I recently noted, this group has more than its fair share of assholes.

    Ignore them.

    JM, May 25, 2004
  14. elmo_fag_nasty drives a 20 year old Civic.... explains why he lashes out at
    those who can afford new cars.

    How to turn off 'Maintenance Required" light:

    1. Hold trip/reset button on dash
    2. Turn key to "ON" or start engine
    3. Hold button til light goes out
    He Hate Retards and Morons, May 25, 2004
  15. Dave Garrett

    Larry K. Guest

    I just got a radio code for my 1995 accord last year from the dealer.
    It took him a couple of days to find it so I think that this guy just
    doesn't want to do the work. Find another dealer.
    Larry K., May 26, 2004
  16. Dave Garrett

    Azrunr66 Guest

    Subject: Re: '04 Accord DX: no radio code?
    My radio code card was missing at delivery as well. During the whirlwind of
    signing the paperwork,I forgot about it. The next day, The dealer removed the
    radio,obtained the serial number and got the code from american honda. I have
    an LX,in the owners manual it talks about the code and how to re-enter it
    Azrunr66, Jun 4, 2004
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