04 civic hesitation PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Ron, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. Ron

    Jacky Lau Guest

    Last time i brought my 03 Civic LX to dealership for the same
    problem.......they replaced the 'gear range switch' and the technician
    mentioned abt the grade logic chips as well. I think there's a problem abt
    this chip then.

    same problem (momentary loss of power just after you start accelerating). It
    happened while I was reversing and then again several times while I was
    driving. After a few minutes, when the car had warmed up a bit, it stopped
    happening. The weather was not cold at all, I am in Southern California. I
    am going to take the car to the dealer right away, because as Ron wrote,
    this is a potentially serious problem. Especially in LA where the left turns
    are notorious. If anyone finds a solution to this problem, please post it
    Jacky Lau, Jan 22, 2004
  2. Ron

    ngagun Guest

    Jacky, so does your car still have the problem?
    If so, are you going to get them to look at this chip?


    ngagun, Jan 23, 2004
  3. Ron

    Jacky Lau Guest

    After they replaced the chip, no problems so far. I hope there won't be
    any problems afterall.
    Jacky Lau, Jan 24, 2004
  4. Ron

    Ron Guest

    So it was the grade "grade logic chip" you had replaced right? I'll have to
    let them know at my dealership... that is what they checked but they said
    there was nothing wrong with it. Si u just want to verify that you had the
    exact same problem i am.... when the car is cold, and you acellerate, within
    the first second (i'm not even at 10km/hr yet) the car hesitates for about 1
    second then acelerates normally...only notice it when i am at a complete
    stop, and goes away when the car gets warm...

    is this exactly what you experienced? How long ago did they replace the

    Thank you very much
    Ron, Jan 24, 2004
  5. Ron

    Ron Guest

    sorry... one more thing... so was it the gear range chip or the grade logic
    chip they replaced... or was it both???
    Ron, Jan 24, 2004
  6. Ron

    Jacky Lau Guest

    Yes, exactly same problem we both have. Actually they replaced both for me.
    So i hope the problem won't happen again.

    Jacky Lau, Jan 25, 2004
  7. Ron

    Ron Guest


    I can't remember, but i thought you mentioned about having the gear range
    switch replaced in an earlier post, but said that the problem was still
    there.... so did you have the grade logic chip replaced after the gear range
    switch, in which case i would think that i only need to get the grade logic
    chip replaced.... not both.... of did you have them both replaced at the
    same time. Sorry... i am just trying to narrow down which one of the two i
    should be asking my dealer to replace....
    Ron, Jan 25, 2004
  8. Ron

    Ron Guest


    I talked to my dealsership today and asked them if they could replace both
    my grade logic chip and gear range switch. They said that they could NOT
    because when they hook my car up to a computer, it does not come up with any
    error codes. I told them that i was talking to someone on the internet,
    with the same problem as me, and that you had these two things replaced and
    the problem went away. They said that they would like to talk to someone at
    your dealership....and asked me to get the name of your dearler, their phone
    number (i would need the area code too) and either your car's V.I.N. number,
    or the invoce number off of your repair bill (work order). I would
    appreciate it very much if you could help me out. Thanks a million.

    Ron, Jan 27, 2004
  9. Ron

    Ron Guest

    Hey Stephen

    Have you brought your car into the dealership yet....? Are you still
    experiencing the problem? Right now i am in the middle of trying to
    convince honda to replace my grade logic chip.... but they don't want to
    because they don't get any error codes when they hook it up to a
    computer.... even though they themselves have drivin the car and felt it
    hesitate, they don't seem to want to da anything about it. Hopefully you
    are haveing better luck. Let me go how it turns out.

    same problem (momentary loss of power just after you start accelerating). It
    happened while I was reversing and then again several times while I was
    driving. After a few minutes, when the car had warmed up a bit, it stopped
    happening. The weather was not cold at all, I am in Southern California. I
    am going to take the car to the dealer right away, because as Ron wrote,
    this is a potentially serious problem. Especially in LA where the left turns
    are notorious. If anyone finds a solution to this problem, please post it
    Ron, Jan 29, 2004
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