04 civic hesitation... problem found

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Ron, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Ron

    Ron Guest

    Hello all

    I wrote in a couple of months ago complaining that my 04 civic would
    hesitate when accelerating from a complete stop on a cold engine... Well,
    after a letter to Honda Canada, and several visits to the dealer, they found
    the problem. Turns out it had nothing to do with the grade logic
    transmission as they once thought...

    When hooked up to a computer, they found they were getting "out of spec"
    readings on my O2 sensor (although there was no check engine light or error
    codes) When the car got warm, readings went to normal...

    So hopefuly this will correct the problem (they are ordering me in a new O2
    sensor) but i have not gotten the car back yet, however they assure me this
    will fix it.

    Hope this helps out anyone haveing a simular problem.

    Ron, Feb 24, 2004
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