04 Civic owners wanted for AC question

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Al C., Jul 23, 2004.

  1. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    As reported earlier, on my new 04 Civic EX when I'm accelerating in 2nd and
    3rd the AC compressor goes off and I get non-cold air until it hits 4 th
    gear. Before I take this issue to the dealer I want to know if others have
    noticed this.

    If you live in a warm climate, would you put your hand over the vent,
    accelerate through 2nd and 3rd and see if the air temp changes from cold to
    'warm' and back to cold when you get into 4th?

    I want some data before I take this up with Honda.

    Please post here or reply off-list.


    Al C., Jul 23, 2004
  2. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    One more note: I have the automatic trans. on the 2004 Civic EX.
    Al C., Jul 23, 2004
  3. Al C.

    Chip Stein Guest

    it's normal. it's called compressor cut, they do it to provide more
    power under acceleration. if it stayed on all the time people would
    complain that they didn't have enough power under accel. the dealer
    can't do much about this.
    Chip Stein, Jul 24, 2004
  4. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    It does not happen on my wife's new Toyota Rav which has about the same size
    engine. Nor did it happen on my 1990 Accord which I replaced with the Civic
    last month.

    Al C., Jul 24, 2004
  5. Al C.

    motsco_ _ Guest



    If you buy a used police car, it has the same feature.

    You can have it COLd, or FAST, but not both. A/C uses something like 20%
    of your engine's power, and that feature prevents the A/C from cutting
    in while you're trying to pass a truck while climbing a hill with all
    your family and gear loaded.

    Isn't this explained in the owner's manual?

    motsco_ _, Jul 24, 2004
  6. Al C.

    alie Guest

    I posted this on your other thread you started, so I copied and pasted it
    here as well...

    I have finally found someone else who shares my dissapointment with their
    2004 civic's air conditioning! Al, I live in Arizona, and let me tell you,
    it is no picnic with this car's air conditioning when its 110 degrees

    I have taken my car into the Honda shop 3 times now, and every time they
    tell me that the air is "normal" and they have also informed me that this
    was built to blow warm air when accelerating while getting onto the

    Aside from that, there are times when it takes 15-20 minutes for my car to
    cool down. That doesnt help me out when I have a short drive to the
    grocery store, and a baby in the backseat.

    Their solution to the problem? They tinted my windows
    for free. While that is a nice gesture, and it does keep some of the heat
    out, it doesn't help the actual air conditioner cooling off the car.

    I have already called the Honda customer service center, to complain. That
    is when they contacted my local dealership to have them tint my windows.

    During a follow up phone call from the dealer, I went off on him telling
    him I will never purchase another Honda again, nor will I keep this
    vehicle to the end of the lease term which is 2.5 years away. I am
    assuming he passed this message along to the customer service department
    because they have not returned any of my phone calls. My next step is to
    complain to the BBB about this. I refuse to pay $ for a car that I dont
    even want to drive. The makers of this car should try driving it in the
    middle of an Arizona summer, then maybe they will build a better air

    A small update to this post I posted yesterday...

    I called Honda Customer Service AGAIN today to speak with my case
    manager's supervisor. Of course they wouldnt let me speak with them, but
    they did leave them a message that the case manager was not returning my
    phone calls.

    I finally got a call back from my case manager. I told her that my AC
    still sucks, and that I never would have purchased this particular vehicle
    had I known the AC would be so bad. She basically told me that she cant
    help any more when it comes to this issue if thats the way the
    manufacturer built this car.

    Aside from my AC sucking, I have also been having electrical failures
    which they cannot seem to figure out either. Sooooo, I am taking it to
    another dealership to have it looked at one more time. If they come back
    and tell me that everything is normal, I will pursue these issues with the
    Better Business Bureau, and if they don't resolve this, I will get a
    lawyer. I have had it with this POS car, and I will not continue to pay
    for it for the next 2 years.

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out!

    alie, Jul 26, 2004
  7. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    Thanks for this info. I missed it the first time around.

    If there is nothing that can be done to fix this problem at least I (we) have
    the obligation to get the word out to the general public. I can help in doing
    this as I own a book publishing company and I have a bit more access to the
    media than the average person.

    I believe that this 'feature' should have been disclosed to the prospective
    buyer and while IANAL, it sounds like consumer fraud to me.

    I want to get more 'testimonials" from other owners and then take the story to
    the WSJ, NYT, Car/Driver, etc.

    As for the car, I have title to mine and I'm already looking in the newspaper
    ads for year-end deals... on other makes/models. Tomorrow I'm going to drive
    a Toyota Carrola and see if it also shuts down the AC compressor when

    Al Canton, President
    Adams-Blake Company, Inc.
    Fair Oaks, CA
    Al C., Jul 26, 2004
  8. Al C.

    alie Guest

    Al, I am glad this info helps! I have been searching for other people with
    this problem, but you are the first person I have come across. I see that
    you live in CA so you know how I feel when it's hotter than hell out here
    and the AC is not functioning properly.

    I definitely think they should have a disclosure about the crappy AC,
    because I never would have bought this car if I knew it was going to cause
    me so much grief.

    I am going to do everything I can to get out of this lease, and into a
    Toyota Corolla. My boyfriend's dad has one, and he loves it! No AC issues

    Keep me posted, and let me know if you need anything else!
    alie, Jul 27, 2004
  9. Al C.

    Guitman Guest

    Take a pill people...I have an 04 Civic and the A/C works great, and I think
    it's a great idea to briefly cut the A/C while you're trying to accelerate.
    With such a small and admiringly under-powered engine, it's good to know
    that it's not going to kak trying to pass another vehicle on the streets or
    highway. They need to use every "trick " they can to get every last bit of
    power out of the engine, so good on you Honda for coming up with a
    reasonable and acceptable compromise to achieve this. Again, I personally
    find that the A/C works just fine, as long as you keep the temperature
    setting all the way down(blue), and don't drive like a psycho rabbit! Keep a
    nice constant speed, and you and the car will be as cool as a cucumber.

    So why don't you call Honda and say you're sorry, and you now UNDERSTAND
    that its actually a very good feature, and you can't wait to drive it to the
    beach and show off what a cool little car it really is!!!

    PS Sorry for replying personally, I clicked the wrong button
    Guitman, Jul 27, 2004
  10. Al C.

    Chip Stein Guest

    they could buy a corolla, the engines rattle like hell, then
    there's the famous toyota sludge problem. when you buy the low end
    cars there will always be something to tick you off. buy a 6cyl
    accord, you'd never notice compressor cut but it's there.....
    Chip Stein, Jul 28, 2004
  11. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    Why wouldn't I notice it in a 6cyl Accord then in a 4 cyl Civic? Warm air is
    warm air! If you put your hand on the vent you can easily feel the temp
    change when going from 1st to 4th in the Civic (auto trans.)

    Why would compressor cut even be necessary on a 6 cyl?

    Al C., Jul 28, 2004
  12. Al C.

    Randolph Guest

    How much time and effort are you prepared to put into this? Think about
    it, you get a few seconds of not-so-cold air when accelerating, how bad
    can it be? My car ('94 Civic) does not have the A/C cut feature, and I
    have contemplated implementing it. And yes, it gets hot here in
    Randolph, Jul 28, 2004
  13. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    How hard would it be to have the dealer turn off the AC cut "feature". That's
    what I'd like done.... however I don't think they will do it. So basically
    my goal is to just get Honda to acknowledge this "flaw" in their literature
    so that other buyers won't get stung like I did. And if Honda won't do it,
    maybe the major media will make mention of it.

    As far as I'm concerned the car does not work to my specs. Besides the AC cut,
    basically the damn car just does not have the cooling power to handle our 10
    + heat. I will sell it and buy something else that does.... not sure what,
    but there are a lot of good deals out there on many different makes and
    models. I'm sure there is a small car that is good on gas that is fun to
    drive. I considered the Ford Focus (recalls and all) before the Civic so
    maybe I'll give that another look. Or maybe I'll trade up to a 6-cyl Accord.
    It all depends on what kind of a deal I can find when I go shopping.

    Al C., Jul 28, 2004
  14. Al C.

    Randolph Guest

    They probably can't do it, even if they are willing to. If it is
    hard-coded in the ECU firmware, they would have to re-write that
    firmware - ain't gonna happen. If it is a configurable option, they
    likely would not be allowed to change it, tampering with emission
    control systems etc.
    Aside from the fact that Honda does not build cars to your specs, have
    you test driven another, same model car to see if it is indeed a general
    issue with the Civic, or if perhaps there is something wrong with your

    You probably are not too eager to pay for it, but you could try taking
    the car to a place specializing in A/C systems. If they find something
    wrong, and you have documentation that you tried to get Honda to fix it,
    Honda may have to reimburse you.
    Randolph, Jul 28, 2004
  15. Al C.

    Randolph Guest

    Forgot to mention, back in '87 my girlfriend bought a new Civic.
    Unbeknownst to me, the dealer put in an after-market A/C instead of a
    Honda unit. It went back to the dealer (62 miles away) twice, and they
    were not able to get it to work. She gave up and took it to an A/C
    specialist. Didn't cost much, and it worked until she sold the car 7
    years later.
    Randolph, Jul 28, 2004
  16. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    Randolph wrote:

    Of course I will FIRST take it back to my dealer for their analysis. What I
    wanted to get first was some data of other folks with the same car in a 100+
    degree climate so that I won't get a run-around from the service manager.
    That's not a bad idea but I'll have to spend some time finding a reputable AC
    shop. Worth a try... but I think I'll try the dealer first.

    My guess is that what everyone else has said is correct. This IS the way the
    car was designed and manufactured. So my best guess is that if it can't be
    'tweeked' to give me a colder cabin, I'm going to unload the vehicle and get
    something else... and I'll drive it on a hot day to make sure it meets my
    climate control standards.

    Al C., Jul 28, 2004
  17. Al C.

    alie Guest


    Quick question-is your 04 Civic a 4 door with both front and side door


    alie, Jul 28, 2004
  18. Al C.

    Chip Stein Guest

    "> Why wouldn't I notice it in a 6cyl Accord then in a 4 cyl Civic?
    Warm air is
    because it happens at a very different rpm!! it's needed because
    people want the power to be there when needed, and a/c compresser uses
    around 20 hp.
    it's still normal on the civics any way you look at it.
    didn't you test drive the car first?
    Chip Stein, Jul 29, 2004
  19. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    4 door EX but only front (dash) air bags.

    Al C., Jul 29, 2004
  20. Al C.

    Al C. Guest

    Yes, but in Feb. when it was 47 degrees here! In the summer we can go days and
    days of 100+. Thats the downside. The upside is that Sacramento does not get
    earthquakes, tornadoes, or hurricanes.

    I like the Civic and I feel I'm doing the right thing environmentally
    (interesting for a conservative Republican!) but I feel that Honda should
    have alerted me (i.e. people in warm climates) about this a/c 'feature.' Of
    course, if they had, I would not have purchased the automobile so I
    understand why they didn't. But in the long run they lose because I will tell
    friends and colleagues... and they don't need that kind of bad publicity. The
    car does not sell all that well as it is.

    Al C., Jul 29, 2004
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