04 CRV (CR-V) RF modulator install?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Abe, Nov 15, 2003.

  1. Abe

    Abe Guest

    I'm in the process of purchasing an 04 CRV (CR-V). In my previous
    vehicle I had put together a video setup so my child could watch video
    tapes in the back seat. This was something I put in for a couple
    trips a year and removed otherwise. I'd like to do a better job with
    the Honda but still want to keep it simple and be able to remove the
    system when not in use.

    I'm thinking about this video monitor:


    I need to solve the audio feed problem so I thought I'd install this
    FM modulator:


    The modulator would be a permanent installation with leads exposed
    somewhere so I could connect the audio from a VCR or DVD player.

    Now the questions:

    The FM modulator assume the "standard" antenna input on the head unit.
    I don't want to remove the head unit to find it's got some other type
    of antenna connection. Has anyone else pulled their head unit and can
    verify that it has this "standard" antenna connection?

    The modulator needs power - at least when the head unit is powered.
    Is there a source for information on the power to or from the head
    unit somewhere that I can use to do this right? I can play the game
    with a meter and a needle to probe around but would prefer not to.

    ** Due to SPAM I no longer receive email responses to
    ** newsgroup postings, so don't bother.
    Abe, Nov 15, 2003
  2. Abe

    MAT Guest

    Forget FM modulation, get a PIE or Blitzsafe adapter for cleanliness and the
    best audio quality.

    MAT, Nov 17, 2003
  3. Abe

    Abe Guest

    Great site! I think the problem is that I'm buying an 04 CRV EX and
    it comes with a 6-disc changer, which consumes the port these things
    take advantage of.

    ** Due to SPAM I no longer receive email responses to
    ** newsgroup postings, so don't bother.
    Abe, Nov 18, 2003
  4. Abe

    Dale Webler Guest

    That shouldn't be a problem either. Most if not all integrated
    installations come with a two port harness that allows you to insert the new
    device into the loop without losing any functionality already installed.

    Dale Webler, Nov 19, 2003
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