05 Honda CRV - CTDi (2.2 Litre) Fuel Consumption (problem?)

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by matw50, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. matw50

    matw50 Guest

    Just picked up my new Honda CTD i 2.2 Sport (05 model). Delighted
    with a responsive/spacious/ well designed vechile.

    Only one thing - I'm only getting around 33mpg. Is this normal? What
    is anyone else getting with this model. I'd expected better to be

    matw50, Feb 7, 2006
  2. --------------------------

    Cool ! What country are you in. It's hard to guess when you say (Imp?)

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 7, 2006
  3. matw50

    AGH! Guest

    Do you mean new as in less than 100 miles on the clock?
    Wait until you have 1000+ miles, or better yet 3000-8000+ miles on the
    clock and then start measuring. A new engine, more so a diesel, needs
    to "run in" before it starts to perform properly.
    Also if you do mostly town driving you will not see much improvement
    over a petrol engine. Diesels forte is motorway cruising.
    AGH!, Feb 7, 2006
  4. matw50

    matw50 Guest

    Hi Curly, in Scotland - 33 miles per gallon.
    matw50, Feb 7, 2006
  5. matw50

    matw50 Guest

    Hi, sorry vehicle is new to me its got 8,500 miles on the clock so
    this shouldnt be a problem. Only seem to get 33 miles per gallon on
    the motorway too, though typically do 70/80 mph. Any one else get
    more on the same model?

    matw50, Feb 7, 2006
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