'06 CR-V Arm Rest

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by n, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. n

    n Guest

    I just picked up my new silver '06 with auto trans. I love it. However, I find
    the supplied arm rest to be, well, a horrible joke. I`ve located a "replacement"
    offered by Honda at http://www.handa-accessories.com/crvint05.html for $106.
    which comes with install instructions. Looks easy enough to install.
    Has anyone any comments on this thing? Is it worth it? Does it provide better
    comfort? Does it fill the entire blank space between the seats for the
    passanger`s comfort as well?
    Thanks for you time.

    n, Feb 26, 2006
  2. n

    bearman Guest

    Are you able to keep both hands on the wheel when you use the armrest?
    bearman, Feb 26, 2006
  3. n

    n Guest

    Yes, but the stock armrest are just too narrow and my arm wants to roll off. I`d
    really like a comfortable arm support for long drives. (About 9 hrs. each way)
    I`m traveling between S. Louisiana and Tennessee quite a bit transporting what
    we were able to salvage from our home to our new one. I just got a silver 06 EX
    and love it. But I also wish Honda had kept that handy pull out tray under the
    seat like on my friend`s 03 model.

    n, Feb 26, 2006
  4. n

    twfsa Guest

    Doesn't look to hard to install according to the directions, on page one of
    instructions what happen to step #4 it seems to skip some steps then on to
    step #7, Take your time and you should be OK.

    twfsa, Feb 26, 2006
  5. n

    Jeffrey Guest

    I installed mine for my '05 CRV and quite comfortable with extra storage
    space. If you have a wide torso, it might interfere slightly with
    comfort. Excellent value for my CRV. Easy install and it will fill the
    space between the front seats.
    Jeffrey, Feb 26, 2006
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