10w30 and cold weather

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Chris Garcia, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    Going to be driving to Kentucky (from New Orleans, LA) next month.. Only
    staying for 1 or 2 days.. BUT .. In those two days, the weather forecast is
    lows in the 10's .. Chances are we'll leave early morning.. Should I get my
    oil changed to something better suited for cold weather? Or should 10w30 do

    FWIW, it's a '96 Civic, about 18,000 miles on it.


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    Chris Garcia, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Chris Garcia

    jim Guest

    i am in NO and have been for a long time.. i have seen the temp. go down
    to 12 degrees and 15 degrees, and such... not often, but it has
    happened.. all this time i was using 10-30 or 10-40 in my car.. i nor
    anyone i know would have removed the oil from their car for the couple
    of days that it gets this cold here.... so youi just being in Ken. for
    two days should not be a problem....
    jim, Oct 27, 2003
  3. Read your owner's manual for the oil recommendation for the car and
    the temperature conditions.
    Timothy J. Lee, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    I just looked at the little oil weight vs temp chart... 10w30 is what it
    recommends for cold temperatures anyways.. at least i think that's what
    it's trying to say ... the line looks like this:


    where the other ones clearly cut off at a certain temp and go up.

    Just going a little off topic a little here, are you really from New
    Orleans? or just say that cause no one knows where Metairie/Kenner/etc
    is? :) I'm technically from Metairie. I got tired of people asking me
    where that was, so i just "rounded off" to New Orleans.


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    Chris Garcia, Oct 27, 2003
  5. Chris Garcia

    Pete Guest

    In 1 or 2 days, you're not going to cause enough damange to your engine to
    make it worth changing it to something thinner, unless you were planning on
    changing to something thinner anyway. Good 10w-30 oil should not have
    problems flowing in those temperatures though. Overall, go with what your
    owner's manual recommends.

    A 7-year-old car only has 18K miles on it? Damn!


    Pete, Oct 27, 2003
  6. Chris Garcia

    BillW Guest

    In the 10's this time of year? It may drop to the 30's or 40'sF but no where
    near the 10's....
    BillW, Oct 27, 2003
  7. Chris Garcia

    Paul Kim Guest

    one or two days? Don't worry about it.
    Paul Kim, Oct 27, 2003
  8. Chris Garcia

    Leon Guest

    I always use Mobil1 15W50 on my 95 civic since day 1 and go snowboarding
    every weekend. Every Sunday morning the engine starts at temperatures
    around 10-20F. Cranking speed is not slow and runs fine cold. There is
    piston slap though, absent during summer.

    Take the trip, no problem for a couple really cold starts, even with dino
    (?) 10W30. But make sure your battery is in good shape, check fluids and
    Leon, Oct 27, 2003
  9. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    "BillW" <> decided to join the conversation on 27 Oct
    2003 with message
    Not this time of year, no... I'm going there for Thanksgiving though...
    Last year I went, the morning we left it was somewhere near 16 w/ a wind
    chill factor of 12.


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    Chris Garcia, Oct 27, 2003
  10. Chris Garcia

    Pete Guest

    FYI... your engine does not know what a wind chill factor is. ;-)
    Pete, Oct 27, 2003
  11. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    I know! Good find, eh? It was my Grandpa's car.. He just turned 89, and
    is unfortunately becoming mentally unable to drive. My wife and I needed
    a second car to advance in our careers (I couldn't take a mgmt position
    at my job because I had to have very flexible hours to pick her up from
    work etc). SO, I got the car from him.

    The car is in great shape. All the rubber parts (timing belt, drive
    belts, tires) except the hoses needed to be replaced because of age and
    lack of use.. I'm going to try to get a new set of tires before this trip
    to KY. It was COVERED in pine sap, like their other car. I took some
    rubbing alcohol and took all of it off. Unfortunately, it left permanent
    stains in the clearcoat from the sap staying there for 1-7 years.

    Aside from the spots, it's a great car though.


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    Chris Garcia, Oct 27, 2003
  12. When checking or replacing the tires, check the condition and inflation
    pressure of the spare tire as well. I.e. make sure that it is usable
    as a spare tire.

    You may want to go through the service records (with the owner's manual
    open to the maintenance schedule) and see what else may need to be done
    if (a) there is no documentation that something needed was done, or (b)
    it was done too long ago (either time or mileage).
    Timothy J. Lee, Oct 27, 2003
  13. Chris Garcia

    Milleron Guest

    That's really unusual. I live far north of Kentucky in Columbus,
    Ohio, and we often play touch football on Thanksgiving day. 16
    degrees would NOT cause a problem with 10W30, and it's very unlikely
    that you'll see temperatures below 20 this year, anyway. Possible,
    yes. Likely, NO.

    Milleron, Oct 27, 2003
  14. Chris Garcia

    E. Meyer Guest

    10w-<anything> is cold weather oil. You don't need to do anything.
    E. Meyer, Oct 27, 2003
  15. Chris Garcia

    Hai Pham Guest

    We are in Pennsylvania and use 10w30 all year around, my 94 Plymouth Voyager
    has 94K miles and 9 1/2 years old.

    Hai Pham, Oct 28, 2003
  16. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    I'm well aware of that.. 16 == "in the 10's" though :)


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    Chris Garcia, Oct 28, 2003
  17. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    (Timothy J. Lee) decided to join the conversation on
    27 Oct 2003 with message
    Oh, the records are very well kept.. I think everything was done based on
    mileage (it's had the 15k inspection done) .. and not time.. the tires
    have a good amt of tread on them, but they're slightly dry rotted..
    they'll still be good for a long time though.


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    Chris Garcia, Oct 28, 2003
  18. Chris Garcia

    Bror Jace Guest

    Yep, Smilin' Pete is correct. For just a couple days, 10W30 is fine
    .... even if you were heading farther north it would be OK. If you were
    staying for a whole season and due for an oil change anyway, 5W30
    would be better.

    --- Bror Jace
    Bror Jace, Oct 28, 2003
  19. Chris Garcia

    Patrick Guest

    You should worry about the battery instead of the oil.
    Patrick, Oct 28, 2003
  20. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    (Patrick) decided to join the conversation on 27 Oct
    2003 with message
    Really? Do tell. The battery is fairly new. (maybe last 2 years? i'll have
    to check the service records)


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    Chris Garcia, Oct 28, 2003
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