126 MPH Jaunt Leads to Jail: Man Gets 12 Days for Sprint on GW Parkway

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike, May 12, 2006.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest


    126 MPH Jaunt Leads to Jail: Man Gets 12 Days for Sprint on GW Parkway

    By Jerry Markon
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, May 12, 2006; B01

    A Georgetown University law student who was trying to impress his
    girlfriend admitted yesterday that he cranked up his new Infiniti to
    126 mph on the George Washington Memorial Parkway -- among the highest
    speeds ever clocked on the stretch of federal road.

    Drew Hoffman, 28, pleaded guilty to one count of reckless endangerment,
    a misdemeanor, in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, and for this he
    will spend 12 days in jail and a year on probation. His attorney, Jim
    Clark, said Hoffman "had a new car for the first time in his life, and
    a great stretch of road at 4 a.m., with no one on it. . . . To say that
    he is remorseful is a gross understatement."

    In a brief interview afterward, Hoffman, an Oklahoma native who lives
    in the District, said his early morning cruise was "a complete lack of
    judgment. There is no other explanation."

    Sgt. Scott Fear, a U.S. Park Police spokesman, said Hoffman was stopped
    at 3:55 a.m. on March 12 traveling south on the parkway at Turkey Run
    Park. He said Hoffman quickly pulled onto a ramp but wound up trapped
    because the ramp led to CIA headquarters.

    "It appeared he was trying to lose the officer real quick," Fear said.
    "The officer just kind of smiled, knew he couldn't go anywhere and
    pulled up and got him." Hoffman was arrested and taken to a Park Police
    station before being released. His girlfriend, who had been a
    passenger, drove the silver 2006 Infiniti G35 back to the police

    Prosecutors said in court that they could not recall anyone going
    faster than 126 mph on the parkway, and U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry R.
    Poretz told Hoffman: "In 15 years on the bench, having adjudicated
    literally thousands and thousands of speeding cases, this is the
    highest that I've ever had."

    Law enforcement officials said later that two motorcycles were clocked
    last year going 160 mph on the parkway but were never caught. A third
    motorcyclist going 110 was charged and sentenced to 15 days in jail.

    While speeds of more than 100 mph on the parkway are exceedingly rare,
    officials said they are detecting increasing speeds on highways across
    the Washington area. That echoes national trends, which have shown
    higher rates of speed since Congress repealed the national maximum
    speed limit of 55 in 1995. Since then, 31 states have raised their
    speed limits to 70 mph or higher, according to the Arlington-based
    Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. "I think it's more acceptable
    now to go fast because speed limits are up, we don't see them being
    enforced as aggressively on highways and we see cars being advertised
    as having 400 horsepower," said Adrian Lund, the institute's president.
    "This is sending a message to people who are interested in speeding
    that maybe it's okay."

    Law enforcement officials, hoping to send a message to the public to
    slow down, were quick to condemn Hoffman for exceeding the 50 mph speed
    limit by more than 75 mph. "His actions were dumb and dangerous," said
    Chuck Rosenberg, the U.S. attorney in Alexandria. "People die on our
    roads all the time. We certainly don't need folks hitting 126 mph just
    to see what their cars can do."

    Fear said Hoffman's speed was particularly excessive on the parkway,
    which winds along the Potomac River with speed limits that range from
    25 to 50 mph. "It's a scenic parkway. It wasn't designed to be a
    superhighway," he said.

    Hoffman, wearing a gray business suit with a blue tie, stood before
    Poretz with his head bowed yesterday and said: "I know I made a
    mistake. I hope you can see based on my past record that it won't
    happen again."

    The judge fined him $1,200 and said he could not drive a car for the
    first 60 days of his probation and only on a restricted basis after
    that. The 12 days in jail could be served on weekends.

    "This was an absolute lack of judgment," Poretz said. "You could have
    killed yourself. You could have killed the other person in the car. You
    could have killed someone else."

    Hoffman wound up in federal court because the 23.5 mile stretch of
    parkway from Mount Vernon to McLean -- except the part in the city of
    Alexandria -- is federal land. Fear said Park Police wrote more than
    7,000 citations on the parkway last year and that the numbers are
    rising this year.

    The conviction should not affect Hoffman's eligibility to be a lawyer.
    Asked if he learned anything that would help his legal career, Hoffman
    said it would enable him to sympathize with clients "who demonstrate
    that this is out of character."
    Mike, May 12, 2006

  2. ---------------------------------------

    At 4 AM, many people are the equivalent of DRUNK too, since reaction
    time / judgment are impaired. He should have plead STUPIDITY.

    'Curly Q. Links', May 12, 2006
  3. Mike

    Ron M. Guest

    Two teenagers that my oldest son attends high school with were arrested last
    Sat. night for "speed competition"--along with a few other traffic
    violations. One was clocked at 110 m.p.h. in a 1999 Honda Accord V-6 sedan
    and his buddy that had pulled away from him was clocked at 140 m.p.h. in a
    2002 Pontiac Trans-Am WS-6. Needless to say that their parents are over and
    beyond upset with them. Things aren't real pretty at home for these two kids
    according to my son.

    Ron M.
    Ron M., May 13, 2006
  4. Mike

    jim beam Guest

    Mike wrote:

    dude, it wasn't even a honda. don't waste my electrons with that carp.
    jim beam, May 13, 2006
  5. "jim beam" wrote
    Why - do you prefer he'd have posted that story just for the halibut? ;-)
    Howard Lester, May 13, 2006
  6. Mike

    jim beam Guest

    no, i just call carp when a see it...
    jim beam, May 13, 2006
  7. Mike

    karinhall Guest

    a can't rite, right, er, write, either!! LOL
    karinhall, May 13, 2006
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