147 & other Alfa owners

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. John

    flobert Guest

    Well yeah, if you will insist on running 20yo diesel engine designs,
    expect them to behave like 20yo designs. Spent sunday helping a friend
    work on a F250 with a 7.3l powerstroke diesel. That engine design was
    older than the 1.9 diesel a friend had in his 93 Ford fiesta company

    When you start getting modern Diesel fuel, you'll get modern diesel
    flobert, Sep 21, 2005
  2. John

    flobert Guest

    BBC's top gear did a review of an F150 in the UK a few months back.
    Actually it was the F150 lightning, but still. Anyway

    Pro - 2/3 seats, qualified for commercial vehicle rates, large load
    area, car-like driving position
    cons - huge reletively unpowerfull engine, handles like shit, load
    area open.

    There are *some* pickups, but they're not common, mainly rangers and
    hi-lux (a downloadable clip on bbc.co.uk/topgear/ does show them
    trying to destroy a hi-lux pickup - a must watch) but the drop-side
    transit is far more popular. Its not hard to see why either. The load
    capacity is greater, the engine more efficient, and, you can drop the
    sides, makes it more of a flat-bed with fencing. For everyday work,
    you've got a range of vans, of variosu sizes, from car-based ones
    capable of taking a full pallet with a car front-end, to long
    wheelbase hi-cube vans with a 3.5ton GMVW. Did i mention that these
    are enclosed, so hearer to steal from, and also more efficient, since
    you've not got the bed's door acting like a 'chute. They're not even
    that slow - a standard road legal Diesel transit can manage the
    nurenburg ring in just over 10 minutes.

    In short, pickups are too over-engined for family use (engines detuned
    for those damned slush-boxes) fuel inefficient, don't drive very
    nicely (poor handling and turning circles) and leave anything carried
    easily stealable.
    flobert, Sep 21, 2005
  3. John

    flobert Guest

    You should think about what you're saying. Height is not the be all
    and end all, neither is mass. Build a 10ft tall car made of lead. Fact
    is, high cars tend to kill people in the OTHER car. a frontal-colision
    (aka a dual front-on collision) is not the most common either - no
    idea where you got that preosterous notion from. Maybe a lack of

    The safer cars are ones with an integrated safety system wih full
    energy dissipation. I always come back to the last major accident i
    was in - a brand new VR6 golf hit the rear of my Volvo340 in september
    2000 at the end of a british motorway. The golf was scrap, mine needed
    minor repairs only.

    There was also a demonstrative video i saw a few months back. Showed a
    4x4 hitting a regular car. a Shogun, and a civic iirc. in a side
    impact. Well, the high front on the shogun oblitirated the passenger
    compartment of the civic, then the height of the shogun rode OVER the
    civic, and rolled over itself. Typical of car-SUV crashes in fact
    (except a rear-ender). This is how nice tall vehicles roll over.

    Next time, if you're going to critisize soeone saying they've not done
    any research, try actually doing some yourself first.
    flobert, Sep 21, 2005
  4. The 7.3 is a fairly decent engine. International built.
    Vash the Stampede, Sep 22, 2005
  5. John

    Mike Hunter Guest

    You can choose to believe whatever you wish, you are entitled to you own
    opinion, I'm not going to debate someones opinion. I am a retired
    automotive engineer, with a degree is metallurgy. The facts concerning
    crash dynamics I posted where not an opinion, they are based on my
    experience in automobile crash dynamics gained during my thirty years as an
    automotive design engineer involved with body structure. I helped design
    those crumple zones and SRS systems. The larger the vehicle the more
    efficiently they do the job for which they are designed, that is to reduce
    the terminal speed at which ones organs strike one skeleton, referred to as
    the 'third collision.' The second being when ones body strikes their belt
    and SRS system restraints. One can not defy the laws of physics. In nine
    out of ten collisions the larger the vehicle the less likely proper belted
    passengers will be injured or killed, period. Those that hate SUVs and do
    not want others to drive them like to distort the facts about accidents to
    favor their cause. I don't own an SUV, I drive only larger RWD vehicles.
    From what I know I will never ride in a small FWD car just to save a few
    hundred dollar a year on fuel.

    Mike Hunter, Sep 22, 2005
  6. Hmmmm....my boss had a Lightening and I asked for a 'ride', he said "Key's
    in it" didn't have to tell ME twice.

    I thought it was a pretty damn good truck for a '68 Corvette!
    The fact that it handled that well and that fast amazed me.
    I've actually seen that on US telly and on the web.

    but the drop-side
    Vash the Stampede, Sep 22, 2005
  7. John

    jim beam Guest

    since you bring up the subject of distortion;

    didn't work for ford did you?
    jim beam, Sep 22, 2005
  8. John

    Bob Palmer Guest

    I agree, SUVs may appear to be safer, and if they are involved with a
    smaller vehicle in a crash they will be less affected, however, after the
    initial crash, the spinning and barrel rolling will ultimately kill and
    maim. In our state, the vehicles with the highest injury rate are SUVs and
    Bob Palmer, Sep 22, 2005
  9. John

    Bob Palmer Guest

    I disagree - the facts show the higher center of gravity, the worse off you
    are. I watched an Explorer barrel roll with 5 kids in it after changing
    lanes at 50 MPH - probably because the air pressure in the tires was to
    high. I also watched a Jeep Grand Cherokee make a panic stop at 55 MPH with
    it's rear end hopping all over and eventually rolling on its side. The next
    time you see a Jeep pass you on the highway at 80, just know that if it
    makes a panic stop, the family inside is s__t out of luck.
    Bob Palmer, Sep 22, 2005
  10. Ibiza Tdi (Have seen 130hp Tdis for just over £7k)
    For performance against fuel and insurance cost I really don't think you can
    beat these.

    goto www.seatcupra.net/forums for more info
    Séan Connolly, Sep 22, 2005
  11. John

    tomb Guest

    I swore I wasn't going to add to the fire... but...

    I agree on the not being able to defy the laws of physics.

    However... so you're postulating a "mine is bigger than yours" strategy?
    What if you neighbor now gets a Hummer? Will you get a yet bigger vehicle?
    Then he gets an 18-wheeler? Then what?

    This is an escalation that does not make sense. As others have pointed out,
    all that large vehicles do is endanger the smaller ones. As hard as it may
    seem, one has to think not only egoistically (because that will get all of
    us killed), but also consider what's around you.

    I just shudder everytime I see one of those ridiculously *huge* SUVs, with
    one *tiny* person sitting in it, mostly on the cell phone (not paying
    attention to the traffic, thereby greatly increasing the risk of accidents).
    How dumb is that? It's not about the few hundred dollars a year of gas you
    save, it's about the insanity of just blowing away a finite resource that
    your children, and your grandchildren, and their kids will want to use, just
    to "make you feel safe" (Jim Beam has already touched on the "feel safe" vs.
    "be safe" points)
    But you *would* run over those wimpy folks in their Civics, wouldn't you?
    The main thing is you survive?
    tomb, Sep 22, 2005
  12. Oh they are.

    Chryslers have come on in leaps and bounds, so much that Chrysler/Dodge
    and probably soon Plymouth brands will be seen on UK streets as normal.
    The Neon and PT cruiser are badged Chrysler here, but the 300 Sedan is a

    It is just that Mercedes got the rough end of the stick. Chrysler
    improves, mercedes gets weakened.
    NeedforSwede2, Sep 22, 2005
  13. Mayu handle well in the US for a US vehicle, but, UK roads are narrower
    and we have corners and twisty roads. It doesn't quite have the
    precission needed for a vehicle that is so big compared to the road it
    needs to be driven on over here.
    NeedforSwede2, Sep 22, 2005
  14. Fuel costs. Makes the difference.
    The difference between £35 a week in the Celica, and £28 in the Saab.
    Also, the celica is losing/burning oil. Not enough to kill it, but
    enough for it to need almost weekly/200 mile topups.
    The Saab was totally rebuilt and is completley oil tight on full

    Actually considering selling both now (or advertising both), drive the
    one that doesn't sell, keep advertising that one, and when it goes get
    something, silly, small, old, cheap, diesel, and run it on vegetable oil
    mix or bio diesel.
    NeedforSwede2, Sep 22, 2005
  15. I think mine was from changing shocks on a car (crawling on the floor),
    and driving it with motorsport bucket seats in.

    Got better after I got my first Saab. Has slowly crept back since owning
    the Celica and having the suspension put right. the more I improved the
    handling, the worse my back got.

    Guess I need a Bentley or something else with air suspension "honestly
    dear, for health reasons" ;)
    NeedforSwede2, Sep 22, 2005
  16. Don't they build Combines?
    NeedforSwede2, Sep 22, 2005
  17. Ya, dot too....
    Vash the Stampede, Sep 22, 2005
  18. One thing about Euro (esp Swedish) cars is that they ARE comfortable!
    Right. "Honey, I need to unass $275,000US for a Bentley cause of my bad
    Vash the Stampede, Sep 22, 2005
  19. Drove it on an old US (two lane...they were just marking the Brand New
    pavement (uh, that's NOT a sidewalk for those of you from Yirrup...)
    and then on the Interstate. Pretty good to me.

    Uh, he had made some 'mods', like exhaust and chipping the thing. Est. 425
    Vash the Stampede, Sep 22, 2005
  20. John

    SteveH Guest

    Please explain how you 'chip' a '68 Corvette.
    SteveH, Sep 22, 2005
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