147 & other Alfa owners

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. John

    tomb Guest

    Yeah, there too.
    tomb, Sep 24, 2005
  2. John

    dizzy Guest

    Google search revealed nothing, save one post from one person in a Web
    There's logic for ya...

    Lack of evidence noted.
    dizzy, Sep 24, 2005
  3. John

    flobert Guest

    yes.. As i suspected, no clue, thinking google knows all and searches
    all. So, in reality, you searched only the most public 10% of the web,
    and are surprised to find no documents to an upcomming court case. As
    I said, if you had any chance of being able to read the documents,
    you'd be able to find them. Or, to spell that out in simpler language
    for you, If you have either a) the ability to find the documents
    through research, checking and deduction, OR if you had access to the
    appropriate search engines for the task, then you'd be able to read
    the,. A single search on google shows no effort, ability, or

    Unlike you, i did some followup checking (which you were too lazy to
    do) and i found the poster K`Tetch listed on the court documents,
    having some ties to the case (under his real name, which about 20
    minutes work found me.

    Tis amazing what you can do when you actually a) have a brain and b)
    USE IT.
    flobert, Sep 24, 2005
  4. John

    dizzy Guest

    Still no evidence form you.
    dizzy, Sep 25, 2005
  5. John

    John Guest

    I don't think a Golf is designed to last for that amount of milage. I
    think this is another one of the big differences between cars designed
    for the North American market and the British and European markets.
    It would almost certainly need constant repairs and maintenance if you
    got anywhere near that milage.

    Bigger engined cars and SUVs designed for North America are designed
    to last a long time and go past 150k. Most British and European cars
    with smaller engines, including Golfs are not designed for this. We
    usually replace our cars before they get anywhere near 80,000 Miles on
    the clock.

    It may also be because of the higher standards and inspections etc and
    tests that cars have to go through over here. In North America you can
    drive cars that have bits and pieces falling off and have been damaged
    in crashes without any issues from the authorities. Well as long as
    the tail-lights work you're good to go. In the UK you'd never get away
    with driving some of the cars you see on American roads. They just
    wouldn't allow you to drive, they would be deemed unroadworthy.

    You wouldn't have any problems with a modern Golf that is produced in
    Europe for the UK and European markets.

    John, Sep 28, 2005
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