195/65/15 to 215/60/15

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Clete, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Clete

    Clete Guest

    I have been offered a good set of 215/60/15 winters. Can I use them on my
    2000 Accord SE that runs 195/65/15. Thanks
    Clete, Jan 27, 2011
  2. Clete

    Tegger Guest

    The new size will be just fine as far as the speedometer goes (speedo will
    read about 2% too slow), but the new tires are 3/4" wider. That's NOT a
    good thing in winter, and will negate some of the advantage of the winter
    Tegger, Jan 27, 2011
  3. Clete

    Jim Yanik Guest

    yeah,but your speedometer/odometer will be off,not reading accurately.
    Not by much,though. it will read higher than actual speed,and odometer
    miles will be less,because of the slightly smaller circumference.
    I suppose you could measure them both to find the difference,and calculate
    the error.

    you might have wheelwell clearance problems with the wider tread.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Jan 28, 2011
  4. Clete

    Dave Dodson Guest

    Sure you can. The difference in circumference is about 1/2 inch and as
    Tegger noted...your speedo reading will be off only a miniscule amount. The
    difference in height is about 3/10 of an inch so clearance in that plane
    shouldn't be a concern. The difference in width is about ,8 of an inch.
    However, as Tegger pointed out, the wider tire will not perform as well in
    winter conditions as the narrower tire, given all other factors are

    Dave Dodson, Jan 28, 2011
  5. Clete

    Jim Yanik Guest

    that should be "actual miles driven will be less than the odometer

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Jan 29, 2011
  6. Clete

    Paul Guest

    Actually, 0.7% too slow. The circumference of a tire is based on its
    radius, not its sidewall alone. At 60mph, the nominal difference would be
    around 0.4mph.

    Recall that the rim is 15", so its radius is 7.5" or 190.5mm.
    Paul, Jan 29, 2011
  7. Clete

    Tegger Guest

    Yep. My bad, as they say these days. I must have hit the wrong keys on my
    calculator, then not bothered to double-check.

    The correct arithmetic:

    (15" wheel = 381mm diameter.)

    215 * .60 * 2 = 258mm
    195 * .65 * 2 = 253.5mm

    258 + 381 = 639mm tire diameter
    639 * 3.14159 = 2007.4mm rolling circumference

    253.5 + 381 = 634.5mm tire diameter
    634.5 * 3.14159 = 1993.3mm rolling circumference

    2007.4 / 1993.3 = 100.7%

    Therefore, the 215 is 0.7% larger than the 195.

    As far as the speedometer and odometer go, the tires are the same.
    Tegger, Jan 30, 2011
  8. Clete

    Dave Dodson Guest

    But your not dealing with the circumference of the wheel. You have to
    figure in the tire as well. As I posted earlier, the difference in
    circumference of the two tires was about 1/2 inch.

    Dave Dodson, Jan 31, 2011
  9. Clete

    Tegger Guest

    Which is an insignificant 0.7% on the speedometer, as Paul pointed out..
    Tegger, Jan 31, 2011
  10. Clete

    Clete Guest

    Thanks to all.
    Clete, Jan 31, 2011
  11. Yeah, but you can find the percentage difference from the radius of the tire
    directly. The percentage difference should be less than 3% either way,
    with practical considerations factored in. Most people do not even know
    what the numbers on their tires mean!
    William Burrow, Feb 1, 2011
  12. Clete

    Tegger Guest

    And you find that by knowing the diameter of the wheel. You can't find
    ANYTHING without knowing the wheel diameter. You can get a 215 for a 15"
    wheel, or a 16", or...

    We've already confirmed that the difference in this case is 0.7%.
    Tegger, Feb 1, 2011
  13. Clete

    Jim Yanik Guest

    actually,going from a 65 profile to a 60 will make the speedo read HIGH;
    the smaller tire circumference means you are travelling LESS distance over
    the same time/RPM,and thus the car will be slower than INDICATED speed,and
    actual miles driver will be lower than indicated miles.

    a 60 profile tire has a smaller circumference than a 65 profile tire.
    of course,that adds in with whatever OTHER errors your speedometer/odometer
    already has.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Feb 1, 2011
  14. Clete

    Dave Dodson Guest

    No! You are mistaken. If the tire diameter did not change then you would be
    correct. However, in this case, the 215/60/15 has a greater diameter than
    the 195/65/15
    Dave Dodson, Feb 2, 2011
  15. Clete

    Tegger Guest

    You mean if the tire WIDTH did not change, then Jim would be right.

    195 * .65 = 126.75
    215 * .60 = 129

    20mm wider but 5% shorter means a LARGER diameter.
    Tegger, Feb 2, 2011
  16. Clete

    Dave Dodson Guest

    Right. Sorry 'bout that. Fingers were going faster than the brain. Not
    too uncommon fer me

    Dave Dodson, Feb 4, 2011
  17. Clete

    GrumpyOne Guest

    Not to mention tire pressure which also is also can be a factor in
    effective tire diameter...

    Y'all r quibblin' with much about nuthin...

    GrumpyOne, Feb 6, 2011
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