1982 Honda Alernator Removal..And Reinstall.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by josuha1954, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. josuha1954

    josuha1954 Guest

    I posted about removing my 1982 alternator last week.

    The problem was, the power steering pump, air conditioner brackets
    cover the alternator.

    Here is how I did it.

    You have to remove from the bottom.

    First..remove screw holding metal power steering tube from the bottom
    frame of the car in front.

    Take out the bottom bolt of alternator holding it to bracket and top
    adjusting bolt.

    Lift out and turn around so you can see the connection.

    Use a small screwdriver to unsnap the holding connector.
    Take off the small bolt holding the other connector.

    With the alternator front facing 'up', slide through the bottom,
    moving the metal hose of the power terring pump you unscrewed. (You
    have just enough room to clear the alternator from the frame.
    It falls out.

    Put back in reverse.

    Hope this helps.
    josuha1954, Mar 23, 2008
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