1983 Honda 1300 FE vs. DX???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Grumpy au Contraire, Jul 24, 2004.

  1. I'm about to swap out a DX engine into a FE car. Should I be aware of
    any particular problems? I plan on doing it as a complete unit, (engine/tranny).

    Grumpy au Contraire, Jul 24, 2004
  2. I swap em before without problems. There are some problems.

    -Check compression. It'll be easier to swap head gaskts outside.
    If the compressions are all 180s then ignor below.
    -Some seals on the head could shrink and do smoke. Use genuine stuffs only.
    -Check valve open-close distance. I had one that won't open.
    -Timing belt?
    -Oil pan gasket?
    -Different engine footings?
    Tibur Waltson, Jul 24, 2004

  3. My situation is this:

    1. The 1983 FE evidently had a cracked head (which has been repaired)
    but was left outside for a couple of years and the cylinder walls are
    rusty and the engine is probably stuck.

    2. The 1982 DX was in a front end wreck which ruined the grille,
    radiator, A/C condenser, but did not effect the engine. Both are 1300
    five speeds and both seem to have the same accessories. The '82 was
    running obviously at the time of the crash and shows 18K on the odometer
    which I will assume is 118K. I would conclude that it would be smart to
    replace the timing belt and water pump while it is out of the car. I do
    not plan on separating the tranny and engine but maybe I should to
    replace the clutch/throw out bearing and pressure plate if necessary.

    My plan (prior to No. 2) is to try and start the wrecked car's engine
    for a short time to see how it runs. If it's ok, I hope to swap them
    out within the next couple of weeks.

    The '83 is definitely a higher model and has an excellent body and
    interior (except for a missing grille and right headlight frame.)

    Ultimately, I plan on refurbishing the FE engine and keep it as a spare.

    BTW, I just couldn't resist buying the pair as the price was only $200...
    Grumpy au Contraire, Jul 24, 2004

  4. I was able to start the engine before pulling it out of the wreck. It
    sounded fine but after a short run, there was some oil dripping on the
    ground on the driver's side. After the engine was out, saw that the oil
    pan was punctured so that was a relief. The engine sounded fine and
    reflected the 118K that was on the odometer.

    So, I will change the timing belt, water pump, and probably front and
    rear seals. Also will split the tranny apart and most likely put in a
    new clutch, pressure plate along with a new throw out bearing. Since
    this engine is going into the '83 FE, that radiator will be
    professionally reconditioned.

    In the future, I will re-assemble the FE engine and it will be a
    stand-by along with the wheels, accesories, doors, hatchback, all glass
    none of which was damaged by the accident. Even the front fenders are fine.

    BTW, FE (I found out) has to do with fuel efficiency and there is even
    an indicator on the tach that lights when you are in economy range...
    Grumpy au Contraire, Aug 7, 2004
  5. Grumpy au Contraire

    Tjacobs Guest

    I bought a new 82 FE. It was a wonderful car. I one got 50mpg, but
    mostly averaged 45 mpg on synthetic oil. If the car hadn't rusted I
    think I'd still have it. Good luck.
    Tjacobs, Aug 9, 2004

  6. Are you sure that it was an '82? I thought that the FE was an '83
    forunner of the CRX..

    At any rate, thanks for the wishes. This car is in Austin, TX and has
    virtually no rust.

    It also appears that the engines in the '82 DX donor and the '83 are the
    same but the accessories and wiring is different so I'm having to change
    everything out. Also, the FE has 13" wheels with 165 tires vs. the 12"
    155 tires on the DX. So, I am assuming that the transmission might be
    geared a little different.

    I'll keep y'all posted on my quest!
    Grumpy au Contraire, Aug 10, 2004
  7. Grumpy au Contraire

    Tjacobs Guest

    1982 was correct I bought it because it had a tack as standard equipment.
    Tjacobs, Aug 10, 2004

  8. The FE is definitely a step up from the DX. I'm finding out that none
    of the engine accessories are interchangeable such as the EGR, carb,
    etc. What is odd is that my old '76 Civic CVCC had a tach IIRC.

    I just got a manual so now the adventure can progress. Tonight, I
    installed a new insulator between the exhaust and intake manifold that
    the previous owner had neglected.

    Evidently, the FE was the precursor to the CRX models that got the
    phenomenally high mileage. I really starting to look forward to getting
    this car done before gas hits $3 per gallon...
    Grumpy au Contraire, Aug 11, 2004
  9. My '83 FE project has a stuck hood. Release won't budge in the cabin.
    Any suggestions?

    (hood is front hinged)
    Grumpy au Contraire, Aug 14, 2004
  10. Both engines have been removed... The good one out of the '82 DX and
    the partially stripped down one in the '83 FE. I have already
    determined that the '82 engine is fine and will be going into the '83
    with all the '83 accessories.

    Today, I separated the '83 engine from the tranny only to discover that
    the clutch/pressure plate are practically new. This tranny combo will
    be going on the '82 engine whose tranny was stressed by the front end
    accident to that car. The only thing that I will be replacing is the
    clutch release bearing just to be sure. The other remaining issues are
    the two thrust motor mounts that are bad and the bad hood release cable.

    I'm starting to get a "rush" feeling regarding this project...
    Grumpy au Contraire, Aug 30, 2004
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