1985 Honda CRX

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by thejackbull, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. thejackbull

    thejackbull Guest

    Been hunting around for a car for a while to ’play’ with. Wrecked the
    front end of my Jeep cherokee and got it fixed, now its time to get
    another car to drive more often and give the other back to the

    Decided on a 1985 Honda CRX...just a plain factory build..nothing
    special. Since im not really a ’deep’ car person, any help would be

    Thanks in advance.
    thejackbull, Mar 23, 2005
  2. thejackbull

    tomb Guest

    Word of advice (aka smart-ass reply) following...

    thejackbull wrote:
    | Wrecked the
    | front end of my Jeep cherokee and got it fixed, now its time to get
    | another car to drive more often and give the other back to the
    | parents.
    | Decided on a 1985 Honda CRX.

    If you like wrecking cars, be careful with the CRX. On the Jeep the front
    end might have been gone, on the CRX the radiator would be sitting on the
    back seat...
    tomb, Mar 23, 2005
  3. thejackbull

    Jason Guest

    Check the ads in the local newspaper. Some towns and almost all cities
    usually have special booklets--in my town we have three--Photo Ad, Easy Ad
    and Auto Trader. They may have different names in your town or city--get
    them and hopefully you will find Honda CRX for sale. You may have to visit
    the nearest city (if you live in or near a small town) to find the special
    Jason, Mar 23, 2005
  4. thejackbull

    thejackbull Guest

    It wasnt intentional. And perhaps i exagerated ’wreck’. I only backed
    up at an angle, caused a pole base to cut in right infront of my front
    left tire and rip off the bumper.

    And yes, with a CRX, i will be careul. So many speed bumps and dips
    and holes in the roads here. My Jeep can fly over them easily... a
    CRX.. would scrape im assuming?
    thejackbull, Mar 24, 2005
  5. thejackbull

    hondaman Guest

    Look on Ebay motors. You may have to travel to pick it up and drive it home
    or tow it or even have it shipped if you're willing to pay for that.
    hondaman, Mar 28, 2005
  6. thejackbull

    tomb Guest

    thejackbull wrote:
    | And yes, with a CRX, i will be careul. So many speed bumps and dips
    | and holes in the roads here. My Jeep can fly over them easily... a
    | CRX.. would scrape im assuming?

    Not quite that bad, unless you have one of those "lowered because it's cool"
    CRXs. The stock suspension is OK, yes, you are low on the ground, but it'll
    handle most "normal" driving just fine.

    Just keep your distance to other cars. In collisions, you loose (against
    those dreadful SUVs at least).

    Take care,
    tomb, Mar 28, 2005
  7. thejackbull

    thejackbull Guest

    I hate cars that are lowered so far to the ground you can barely see
    the air between them. There are alot of trucks and SUVs heres like
    that. I wonder how they get around at all.

    Do you think its possible to ’lift’ a Honda CRX a few more inches off
    the ground, for a ’just in case’ factor?
    thejackbull, Mar 29, 2005
  8. i am lookin for a 1988 or a 1989 cr-x
    Matt Pueschel, Apr 2, 2005
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