1986 Honda Civic 4 Door Sedan

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Derek Lawler, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Derek Lawler

    Derek Lawler Guest

    Yesterday I drove this car about five miles, parked and was away from it
    about an hour. When I tried to start it to leave, the starter spun the
    motor but no firing occured. I popped the hood and checked all the ignition
    wires and coil wire but the motor still did not start. Then I held the
    accelerator down all the way and kept it there as the motor turned over.
    Finally I got a kick and a few more and kept turning it over till it began
    running then revved it up several times to keep it running. I drove it home
    with no other problems. I think it is a fuel problem and might involve the
    fuel pump. What else could cause this problem? Thanks for your answers if
    you can shed some light on this.
    Derek in Florida
    Derek Lawler, Aug 21, 2008
  2. Derek Lawler

    CH®IS Guest

    Sounds like it was either flooded or you forgot to pull the choke.

    I have an 87 civic sedan... it can be a pain to get started when cold.

    - Chris
    CH®IS, Aug 22, 2008

  3. Stuck valve, (carb), possibly from debris in the carburetor. There
    should be a glass window on the side of the carb with a "dot" in the
    center which should be the gas level.

    Sometimes, a sharp blow to the carb body will free it. By "sharp," I
    mean hitting it with a good mallet or large screw driver handle. Never
    use steel directly.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 22, 2008
  4. Derek Lawler

    Derek Lawler Guest

    Thanks JT and Chris for your replies. It has been raining here so much that
    I tend to avoid popping the hood to work on the problem. Tapping the carb
    sounds like a possibility. I will look for that little window you mention.
    With the air cleaner off I might try spraying a bit of Starter Fluid
    directly in the carb.

    Derek Lawler, Aug 24, 2008
  5. Derek Lawler

    L Alpert Guest

    Points? (re-gap or needs to be cleaned/replaced).
    L Alpert, Sep 1, 2008
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