1986 Honda CRX-is front axle dynamic damper bad?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jbclem1, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. jbclem1

    jbclem1 Guest

    When I drive the car there is a strong rhythmic and regular noise, and vibration from
    the left front side, a noise that sounds like it comes from something rotating. I've
    checked the wheel and it looks ok, no wheel bearing play or noise. On the left drive
    axle there is a round rubber donut looking device called a dynamic damper...same on the
    right drive axle. The right one is very solid and inflexible with no obvious cracks.
    The left side one is soft, very flexible, and has some good cracks.

    Is it possible that an old dynamic damper can cause noise and vibration as I described?
    The noise is worse at lower speeds when I take my foot off the pedal and is enough of a
    noise/vibration that it doesn't feel like I should be driving the car very far.

    Anyone care to express an opinion?

    jbclem1, Apr 26, 2004
  2. jbclem1

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Usually those dampers don't cause problems unless somehow the come loose.
    Then they will slide down the axle and make all kinds of noise. Even then,
    if you just remove it you will usually be ok.
    Jafir Elkurd, Apr 26, 2004
  3. jbclem1

    jbclem1 Guest


    Thanks for the answer. The damper isn't really loose just cracked and floppy...I didn't
    think it could cause that kind of noise but who knows? That still leaves me with the
    noise. With nothing else obvious what's that leave me with? What is there that's
    rotating besides the tire, the rim, the CV joint, and the wheel bearing(s). I'm very
    familiar with VW noises but not Honda noises, and a VW CV joint never sounds like this
    and a VW wheel bearing would have to be broken up to make this kind of noise and
    vibration, and then there would be alot of play in the wheel...which there isn't in this
    case. I tried jacking the car up and running it in gear but couldn't get the noise to
    occur. This is a puzzler...could it be a loose caliper? (but the brakes don't pull).

    jbclem1, Apr 26, 2004
  4. jbclem1

    Jason Guest

    Try placing the right front side up on a block and moving various items
    back and forth to determine how they are suppose to feel when everything
    is working normally. After that, put the left side up on a block do the
    same thing. You may find an item that feels or looks very differently than
    what you found on the right side. If so, you have found the source of the
    problem. Believe it or not, mechanics use this trick but it's easier for
    them since they have the car on a lift and don't have to use jacks or

    Jason, Apr 27, 2004
  5. jbclem1

    Fred Guest

    I noticed something similar in my civic. 3 weeks ago I replaced the front
    disc and when the discs were out of the car, I rotated the hub and I could
    feel the same vibration from the CV joints. I believe is the bearings that
    make that noise, and I can feel it when driving at 40 MPH or so, once I get
    the car in a stable speed. It's the rhythmic sound, and the vibration comes
    and goes and you feel it in the steering wheel. My CV joint boot are in a
    very good shape, no cracks, no leaks, it's just that I think the bearings
    are having to much friction.
    I hope somebody else has an idea what the problem is.
    Fred, Apr 27, 2004
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