1987 Prelude 2.0 Si - strange problem...

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by NG, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. NG

    NG Guest

    I have 1987 Honda Prelude 2.0 Si (Fuel Injection). It is running great.
    I am having a unsual problem during start up for the past 3 weeks. I
    start the car in the morning, it starts without any problem. When I
    start the car during afternoons or evening, sometimes the car does not
    start. It cranks and dies immediatly. Then, I have to wait for 2
    minutes and then start again, the car starts! If it does not start, I
    have to wait for another two minutes and then start. Note that I get
    this problem mostly when the whether is hot. During rainy or cold days,
    I don't get this problem. When the car has trouble in starting,
    sometimes I start by holding the accelerator pedal all the way
    down...and it works sometimes and the car starts...sometimes it doesn't
    work. Once I start the car, I don't have any problem during driving.
    Runs smooth. This starting problem is because of some electrical issue?
    Another thing I noticed is that my horn is not honking...it honks very
    very low for a second or two. Does this horn and staring have some
    connection? I took it to mechanic and he is not able to find out the
    problem. He told me to tune the engine and I did that (change fuel
    filter, air filter, clean battery, change the connections, change rotor
    cup, checked radiator coolent level,...). After that, I did not have
    problem for a week...then, it started again. Then the mechanic changed
    the ignition coil. But, I still have problem...he is suggesting to
    change distributor. But, he is not sure whether it will fix the
    problem. So, I decided not to do that...any of you had similar
    condition/experience before? Any idea what's going on... Please tell me
    what could be wrong... man, I love this car, it is very reliable and
    gas efficient...please help. Thanks a lot.
    NG, Sep 4, 2005
  2. NG

    jim beam Guest

    tegger.com. main relay.
    jim beam, Sep 4, 2005
  3. NG

    NG Guest

    Thanks Jim, I really appreciate it.
    NG, Sep 4, 2005
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