1989 CRX DX question.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ben, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. ben

    ben Guest

    What are the differences between the DX and the other versions like
    SI, etc?
    I may be acquiring an 89 1 owner and am curious about the options.
    It is all factory. No mods.
    ben, Jul 11, 2007
  2. ben

    Elle Guest

    Try checking the descriptions at www.edmunds.com, under
    buying a used car.
    Elle, Jul 11, 2007

  3. I believe that the DX had the 1.5 engine vs. the SI which had a 1.6

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jul 11, 2007

  4. In Hondas, "DX" indicates a 'stripped down' model, few amenities, and the
    base engine and options.

    The Si has a LOT of goodies, a High-Output engine, beefier suspension,
    more sprting feel, and more expensive parts! But, if you like
    'enthusiastic' driving, the Si is your cup of tea!

    And if you don't want it, WHERE IS IT?!?!?!

    Hachiroku ハチロク, Jul 11, 2007
  5. ben

    Tegger Guest

    The DX had dual-point throttle body injection, the Si had multiport (one
    injector per cylinder). BIG difference there!

    I think the DX was the base model, the Si the top-line.
    Tegger, Jul 11, 2007
  6. ben

    jim beam Guest

    there's not a lot of difference for the 89's other than the motor.

    x = present, o = absent

    dx si
    x x tacho
    o x red trim on seats and door linings
    o x sun roof
    x x front sway bar [identical]
    o x rear sway bar
    o o rear disk brakes

    all interior creature comforts are pretty much identical. other than
    that, the si has 185/60-14 tires, dx has 175/70-13's, the si shocks are
    supposed to be slightly different, but you'll never notice, and the si
    has twin outlets on the muffler vs. the single on the dx.

    both are SWEET vehicles. even the dx goes like a bat out of tegger's

    if you want to convert to the si motor, there's a number of write-up's
    on how to do it on the net. biggest issue is the wiring. if you don't
    want to re-wire it the hard way, you ban buy a kit from boomslang.com.

    all-factory original crx's are rare and highly coveted. be happy!
    jim beam, Jul 12, 2007
  7. ben

    jim beam Guest

    not really.
    "high/er/", but not "high"
    dude, the suspension is pretty much identical. the springs /are/
    identical. the shocks are theoretically valved slightly different, but
    not so you'll ever notice. the front sway bars are identical, and the
    rear sway bar on the si is "mild".
    the dx has a "sporting feel" too.
    the si is more powerful, but not rippingly so. the dx is still a great
    power to weight ratio and when set up right, corners like it's on rails.
    put identical wheels/tires on both and you're hard pressed to tell the
    difference. brakes on both vehicles are identical.
    jim beam, Jul 12, 2007
  8. I was referring to Power windows, etc.
    In a car that light, it makes a difference.
    I have a Corolla GTS. Corolla SR-5 had an 85 HP engine, GTS had a 112 HP
    engine. Not a lot of a difference...

    But enough!!! ;)

    The DX has rear wheel discs?!?!?! This is also interesting, since on
    Toyotas and most other Hondas, you have to move to at least the LX to get
    rear discs.
    Hachiroku ハチロク, Jul 12, 2007
  9. ben

    jim beam Guest

    crx doesn't /have/ electric windows. apart from the sun roof and the
    red trim, the interior is identical.
    sure it makes a small difference. my point is, and this seems to have
    escaped you, that the dx is a great "sporty" car as-is. with its measly
    little 92hp motor.

    no, the 89 /doesn't/ have disks - on either model.
    dude, why do you post if you're just making stuff up? electric windows
    in a crx? 89 disks? you're just being a clown.
    jim beam, Jul 12, 2007
  10. ben

    jim beam Guest

    and there's no crx lx.
    jim beam, Jul 12, 2007
  11. ben

    Tegger Guest


    What are *you* doing in *my* underpants?
    Tegger, Jul 12, 2007

  12. I've had two Accords. A DX and an LX.
    I was going by that. Oh, well.
    Why pay the extra for a CRX if the DX is almost the same car?
    Hachiroku ハチロク, Jul 12, 2007

  13. I had an '89 crx project car, (needed an engine and left front fender).
    It had no trim level designation anywhere and since it did not have a
    sun roof and the engine was the 1.5, I assume that it was the basic
    edition except that it did have an automatic tranny.

    I never did anything to the car and got rid of it about three years ago
    and have regretted it since...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jul 12, 2007

  14. THERE'S a question I wouldn't ask...
    Hachiroku ハチロク, Jul 13, 2007
  15. ben

    jim beam Guest

    er, because the crx is a model, not a trim level.
    jim beam, Jul 13, 2007

  16. 'K!
    Hachiroku ハチロク, Jul 13, 2007
  17. HF = extra light model, engine tuned for fuel economy
    DX = the "normal" model (1.5L engine)
    Si = the "sporty" model (1.6L engine)
    Timothy J. Lee, Jul 14, 2007
  18. ben

    jim beam Guest

    do us [and your credibility] a favor - don't respond /like/ you know the
    answer, unless you actually /do/ know the answer. thanks.
    jim beam, Jul 14, 2007
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