1989 Honda Accord LXi Big Problems

Discussion in 'Accord' started by NonFiction, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. NonFiction

    NonFiction Guest

    Ok here's the situation I bought a used car and ran into a big problem...
    at first it didn't have any problems a month later now it has problems
    starting and smokes at times when it does start once it warms up it's fine
    but it also has the problem of feeling like it's gonna stall when it's not
    warm and there are times when it does stall out... I know i didn't give
    all the details but it's because there are so many so any help would be
    Thank you for your time
    NonFiction, Jul 14, 2006
  2. NonFiction

    Burt Guest

    Clean the EACV. The smoke I don't know. What color?
    Burt, Jul 14, 2006
  3. NonFiction

    NonFiction Guest

    Ok more details the smoke is light gray already talked to my mechanic and
    he knows it's from the fuel well mostly because of the color and the fact
    that you can smell gas... The smoke isn't that consistant except once
    where it smoked for a good 15 minutes... I've changed gas done a fuel
    injection cleaning had a tune up but the real mystery behind this is the
    check engine light and i have a feeling that if that is solved then
    everything else will fall in place... The light is on because of the EGR
    valve which has been replaced and serviced but it still comes back and
    when the car has the problem of not starting the mech feels like it's not
    getting enough oxygen so we replaced the sensors no change... his next
    thought and this was just a guess was to replace the fuel pressure
    regulator but as i said just a guess... I don't know if anyone has had
    this problem before but any help would be great because if it's to the
    point that people have to guess then it basicly could be anything...
    Thanks again for your time
    NonFiction, Jul 15, 2006
  4. NonFiction

    NonFiction Guest

    Forgot to add that the issue with starting happens wiether cold or hot...
    After driving for hours if i shut off the engine sometimes it takes 10 to
    15 minutes to start again... plus spark plugs were dry
    thanks again
    NonFiction, Jul 15, 2006
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