1990 Acord Vibrating at idlee

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by downhill101, Oct 9, 2003.

  1. downhill101

    downhill101 Guest

    I have a 1990 Accord 5spd that is vibrating when sitting at an
    idle.When I step on the gas and increase from the idle (750 RPM) to
    about 1000 RPM the vibrating stops. From what I have read, it sounds
    like I might have a broken motor mount. I checked the motor mounts and
    they all look ok Anyone have any Ideas. thanks Jim
    downhill101, Oct 9, 2003
  2. downhill101

    Bill Kapaun Guest

    Not exactly sure about a 90 with MT, but my 91 with AT supposedly had a
    "hydraulic" MM.
    At an idle, it "softens" to absorb vibration.
    IIRC, It's the one toward the firewall???
    Bill Kapaun, Oct 9, 2003
  3. downhill101

    Leo Lee Guest

    It's problem on sensor. Like Idle sensor which forsees the conditions..
    The sensor is a computerized like chip.
    Leo Lee, Oct 10, 2003
  4. downhill101

    downhill101 Guest

    On the accords with automatic transmissions I see there is a vacuum
    controled rear motor mount. Is that what you are talking about? It
    looks like the one on the manual transmissions is just a dumb old
    piece of rubber. Or maybe I am wrong
    downhill101, Oct 10, 2003
  5. downhill101

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Your problem might have various causes. The car might not be getting enough
    air, fuel or spark.
    I've seen often a car which will stall when left at idle but runs ok when
    you give it a little gas.
    I think you should start with the essentials. How long has it been since the
    follwoing were checked/replaced:
    spark plugs
    ignition cables
    ditributor cap and rotor
    air filter
    fuel filter
    Paul Bielec, Oct 10, 2003
  6. downhill101

    downhill101 Guest

    I first started noticing the problem about a 6 months ago but it was
    not as bad as it is now . I replace the spark plugs distributor cap
    and rotor and air filer at that time and I didn,t see much of a
    change. I just got use to the vibrating. Now it gets pretty bad. But
    yes your right, The gas filter has 100,000 miles on it and the
    ignition wres are the originals.
    downhill101, Oct 11, 2003
  7. downhill101

    Leo Lee Guest

    I told you it's sensor thing. I have the same problem. my car idlee
    the mile gadge is abnormal only during the starting time. If I push the
    gas, it goes away. So I do not have to worry about since it does not
    affect on driving.
    Leo Lee, Oct 12, 2003
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