1990 Civic Power Loss and Shudders

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Zakatak, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. Zakatak

    Zakatak Guest

    I have a 1990 Honda Civic 4 door with 196k. The car has been running great.
    The car now seems to have a power loss at low rpm and jerks and shudders
    untill about 3000 rpm when it will kick back in and perform. I have
    changed the fuel filter, have new plugs, wires, dist/cap/rotor and all my
    vac lines appear in good shape. Anybody delt with this please drop a line.
    Zakatak, Apr 12, 2005
  2. Zakatak

    TeGGer® Guest

    EGR valve sticking open?

    Oh, Terry, where are you?!
    TeGGer®, Apr 13, 2005
  3. Zakatak

    jim beam Guest

    try the thermostat. it you're still on the original, it'll almost
    certainly be out of spec. by now. mine was & changing it removed
    symptoms like you describe. also check the operation of the throttle
    body's tandem valve.
    jim beam, Apr 13, 2005
  4. Zakatak

    motsco_ _ Guest


    What's the details on your timing belt . . It sounds like it's off a
    tooth or two. Is it better once the engine warms up, or just the same?

    motsco_ _, Apr 13, 2005
  5. Zakatak

    Zakatak Guest

    Not sure about the timing belt. That is something that I don't have
    knowledge of. The two other posts metioned EGR and Tandem Valves. The
    tandem appears to be fine but I can't locate the EGR.
    Zakatak, Apr 13, 2005
  6. Zakatak

    Zakatak Guest

    Where is the EGR on this car? Guess I should buy another Haynes manuel.
    Zakatak, Apr 13, 2005
  7. Zakatak

    Chopface Guest

    Where are you located? I think a lot of US models from that vintage do
    not have the EGR if they are not California models. Possibly one trim
    line does have it regardless of being a Cali model, maybe the STD (hatch
    only trim). I'm not sure though. My '91 Si does not have an EGR valve.

    Chopface, Apr 13, 2005
  8. Also, check to make sure that the timing advance mechanisms in the
    distributer are working properly.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 14, 2005
  9. Zakatak

    TeGGer® Guest

    The automatic had EGR, the manual did not. True for all states and Canada.
    TeGGer®, Apr 14, 2005
  10. Zakatak

    TeGGer® Guest

    (Gordon McGrew) wrote in

    You mean like vacuum advance and centrifugal weights? Ain't no such thing
    in the '90 Civic.
    TeGGer®, Apr 14, 2005
  11. Zakatak

    r2000swler Guest

    TeGGer wrote:
    TeGGer® Apr 12, 6:08 pm show options
    Newsgroups: rec.autos.makers.honda
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    Date: 13 Apr 2005 01:08:05 GMT
    Local: Tues,Apr 12 2005 6:08 pm
    Subject: Re: 1990 Civic Power Loss and Shudders
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    EGR valve sticking open?

    Oh, Terry, where are you?!


    The Unofficial Honda/Acura FAQ
    I have seen an ignitor module casue this behavior, and a ECM (ECU)
    cause similar problems. The ignitor is pretty cheap to change, the
    CPU is rather pricy, about $150 and there is no easy way to check
    the ECM for this type problem/. The bad unit presented no error codes
    and at highway speeds ran great.
    I initally suspect the TDC because it had a slightly lower output then
    a friends 90 Civic. But swapping the ECM cured it. I considered
    the TDC but the owner needed to go on a trip, so I never got the

    I would be tempted to run a can of good injector cleaner, with good
    (Cevron) gas through it before spending any real money.

    As anohter poster menetioned the thermostat could cause this problem,
    but you should notice either low or high engine temp. Check your fluid

    If it is a AT, as Tigger pointed out the EGR could be a problem.
    I have seen a Subaru with a partially stuck EGR that would only run
    welonce it was above about 3K.

    r2000swler, Apr 14, 2005
  12. Zakatak

    Zakatak Guest

    I have been unable to locate an EGR on this car. I just bought a good book
    for it too and it is not anywhere to be found. This si my first time
    working with Hondas. i've been a Ford man my whole life this on is the old
    ladies. I want my SHO back so I need to fix this! I'm changing the therm
    right now and have replaced the rotor and cleaned the points very well.
    Thgis is just confusing to me. Thank for your input everybody. Hopefully I
    can resolve it eventually.
    Zakatak, Apr 14, 2005
  13. Zakatak

    TeGGer® Guest

    If you have a manual transmission, then you have no EGR.

    The EGR controls are in a big black box about 8"x6"x3" on the firewall next
    to the wiper motor.

    Terry mentions the ECU (the "computer"). He's had some interesting
    experiences with flood-damaged ECUs but Honda ECUs are usually
    exceptionally reliable. For now I would rule out the ECU.

    That leaves everything else... :-/

    Does the car seem to take a long time for the temperature gauge to get
    close to the half-way mark?
    TeGGer®, Apr 15, 2005
  14. Zakatak

    r2000swler Guest

    Teggar wrote:

    TeGGer® Apr 14, 4:42 pm show options

    Terry mentions the ECU (the "computer"). He's had some interesting
    experiences with flood-damaged ECUs but Honda ECUs are usually
    exceptionally reliable. For now I would rule out the ECU.

    That leaves everything else... :-/

    Does the car seem to take a long time for the temperature gauge to get
    close to the half-way mark?


    I ould be tempted to build a LED ignaitor tester.
    You can't use a normal test lamp to test the drive to the
    ignitor, but you can use a LED (light emitting diode) with a
    ~1000 Ohm 1/8W resistor in series. If the LED flickers
    so fast that it almsot looks like is is constnaly on, during the
    rough idle, then you might want to check the TDC sensor.

    A simple oscilloscope will show the waveform and voltage level,
    but very few of have one, or acess to one. A fairly decent DVM
    with a 2V scale , 200mV is better, will show you if the TDC coil
    is generating a voltage. I have seen voltages range from .5V to
    over 1V. I don't know the actual spec, but 0.5V and lower would
    lead me to think about replacing it.

    Does it act funny even with the engine cold?
    I saw a O2 sensor, before cat, casue this symptom in my sister's
    Toyota. The shop wanted to repalce her ECM, but she was hesitant.
    I disconeected teh O2 sensor and while the GPM dropped the engine
    ran much better. She pikced up the OEM O2 sensor and dad and I
    installed it can her car never gave any sign of trouble until the night
    the stollan dump truck ran over wher it was aprked. My sis
    s would only start hesitating when the eninge got warm and teh ECM
    started "listening" to the O2 sensor.

    I am really grasping at strwas, because ther are just oo many things
    that could cause this. Many of them electrical or electronic.

    Do you have AC?

    The carbon cannister purge valve could cause a problem, I have
    never heard of one failing, but a quick look in my manual suggests
    that a constant leak there could really mess up the vacuum.

    A Honda dealer mechanic told me that eh EACV (Electronic Air Control
    Valve) could cause many odd drivibiltiy issues if it failed and leaked.

    All I can offer is a whole lot of guesses.
    Try to keep some notes on when the problem ocur.
    As soon as you drive off from a cold start, only after it is warm,
    Such things might help to narrow it down.
    If you just start chngning parts that you suspect have failed,
    you could buy a newer car before you solve this problem.

    I think Teggar has a link to a web page that show how to test the

    One last thing. A friend has and ancient, 1976?, GM pickup. Pre modern
    igniton. He ahad hesitation/stubling issues. During my odesy last fall
    I bought a nifty little adjustablecalibrated spark gap that allow you
    verify the spark volatage. His was very marginal. He replaced the
    ignitoncoild and his problems went away. Advance auto carries this
    gismo and it only costs about $6. A bargin. I is cheap enough that I
    owudl consider buying one and see if the spark voltage is low/marginal
    below 3K and
    ok above that point.

    Again kind of grasping at strwas.

    r2000swler, Apr 15, 2005
  15. Zakatak

    Zakatak Guest

    Yes it does take a long time to get the temp up. I just changed the therm
    from a 165 that was in there to the OEM spec 180. i have not taken a good
    drive to check and see if the temp problem is resolved by this fix. As far
    as the EGR, I still cannot locate the actuall vavle I am in the dark here
    on the east coast right now so I cannot look for it or the box. I will
    peek at this tom. Again guys, thank you very much for all your input.
    Zakatak, Apr 15, 2005
  16. Zakatak

    TeGGer® Guest

    OEM spec is ***194*** not 180!!!

    180 would be an aftermarket thermostat.

    Are you actually using an OEM thermostat? Or not?
    TeGGer®, Apr 15, 2005
  17. Zakatak

    Elle Guest

    Is the oxygen sensor the original?

    For under $50 (and your own labor, which is minor for this), you can put in
    a new OEM O2 sensor. Your symptoms are so severe I'd expect a Check engine
    light, but maybe not always.
    Elle, Apr 15, 2005
  18. Zakatak

    zdrepaul Guest

    i have a 92 Accord that does the exact same thing = slow / no power on
    acceleration up to ~2500rpm. plugs ok, wires ok, cap ok, rotor ok,
    injectors ok, fuel filter ok, fuel pump ok, o2 sensor ok, thermostat ok /
    temp normal. i don't know how to chk the ECU / ECM or the ignitor module
    (where located?) or the distributor coil. any assistance would be GREATLY
    zdrepaul, Apr 21, 2005
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