1990 civic wagon losing coolant

Discussion in 'Civic' started by theo.chan, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. theo.chan

    theo.chan Guest

    I recently had the head machined and the head gasket replaced due to a
    blown gasket on my 1990 honda civic wagon. after this everything was
    fine, except for a hose that was not attached properly; the hose popped
    off and coolant sprayed everywhere, then the engine temperature went
    into the red. I noticed this immediately and then found the detached
    hose and reaffixed it properly and filled the coolant and radiator

    I'm finding now that I loose about 600mL of coolant every 400km or so;
    after about 1200km the lost coolant is enough so that the engine
    temperature will go up if the RPMs stay over 3000 for a sustained
    period of time (like on the highway).

    I have a suspicion that coolant is evaporating somewhere or somehow;
    what happens is that when the coolant becomes low the temperature goes
    up when it reaches the air "bubble" and then it goes back down when the
    bubble passes. I'm thinking that it might be more coolant evaporating
    everytime the coolant to air ratio changes. that is to say after 400km
    I'm out 600mL, after 800km i'm out 1500mL of coolant.

    Am I way off the mark here? Any ideas what might be causing this and
    how to remedy it?
    theo.chan, Oct 19, 2005
  2. theo.chan

    Burt S. Guest

    If the coolant loss is from the reservoir then you might see it the
    moment you shut it off. If the loss is from a pin prick hole on one of the
    tubes under the intake, then look for white residue. When a coolant is
    loss by a good amount, you have to bleed it.
    Burt S., Oct 19, 2005
  3. theo.chan

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    Are you seeing any drips on the driveway? Any white smoke out the tailpipe?

    Have you checked all the hose ends, and the radiator itself for signs of

    How is the expansion tank level? Does it ever go up and not come back down?

    Is the rad cap aftermarket OEM or aftermarket? When was it replaced last?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 19, 2005
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