1990 Fuel injector issues

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Terry, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Terry

    Terry Guest

    A friends 16 year old daughter bought a used
    1990 Honda Civic back in early summer 2003.
    MT, 4 speed, dual point EFI. Twice in just about
    6 months the car has stalled out when she tries to
    take off. Only happened when sitting for a while in
    traffic or a dive through. When she attempted to restart,
    the engine cranks but does not start. When she lets it
    sit for about a minute, then tries, it fires up and runs
    great. The LED error code flashes "16", which is for
    "bad" injectors. I reset the ECM back in July and
    She checks it every time she starts the car. I built
    her a remote read out for the ECM LED. I used a
    phototransistor to drive an LED mounted in one of the
    under dash knock outs.
    No error code shows up. The Check Engine light
    does NOT come on. As soon as the car died, on the next
    restart attempt, she noticed the LED flashing "16" again.
    The car runs great and except for these two events,
    I would swear nothing is wrong. Once is no big deal,
    the ECM could have gotten confussed. But twice bothers me.
    The local shops only sugestion is to change out both
    injectors. She is a high school student, saving for
    college and if she has to she will spring for the
    replacemnet. I thought I would ask if anyone else had
    ran into this issue, and is there anyway to pick the
    correct injector? If this problem happened more often
    I wuld suggest just trying one, then the other.
    But, given that she is a young woman, and the modern world
    is no place to be in a vehical that could leave her
    stranded, her parents and us (my wife and I) want
    to fix this. I loaned her my 1991 Civic and I have been
    driving her Civic since Sunday, and it runs just great.
    Any ideas or should I just tell her to change both injectors?
    Terry, Feb 11, 2004
  2. Terry

    y_p_w Guest

    Could be a bad fuel pump, or (even cheaper) a bad fuel pump
    relay. I had a warm start problem with my '89 Integra, and
    after selling it, I think a bad fuel pump relay may have been
    the culprit. The theory (as heard on "Car Talk") was that
    the relay doesn't close when the car is warm, and the fuel
    is shut off.

    Slightly different than her problem, but a fuel pump relay
    is much cheaper than two injectors.
    y_p_w, Feb 11, 2004
  3. Terry

    Mista Bone Guest

    more likely a bad ground/bad wire somewhere.

    IF you wish to try another set of injectors, I have a complete DPFI setup.
    Mista Bone, Feb 11, 2004
  4. Terry

    Terry Guest

    Today I removed the electricl connecors from both
    injectors, sprayed them with contact cleaner and
    used some ver small Q-tips to really clean the
    connectors, female, injector male ends. Then for
    good measure I pulled the coonectors from the ECM
    and cleaned all of them.
    Thanks for the offer. but with failures happening at
    6 month intervals, it will be a while before I know
    if I have "solved" this problem.
    Terry, Feb 11, 2004
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