1990 honda accord auto trans problem????

Discussion in 'Accord' started by jktaz, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. jktaz

    jktaz Guest

    I just bought a 90 accord ex and i think the trans computer might be bad. At
    start up trans shifts into gear but slips a little. when you come to
    complete stop the car wont move like the trans disengages, high rev but no
    movement. If i shut the car off for at least 10 seconds it will shift into
    gear again untill i come to a full stop again. I havent drained the fluid
    yet for all i know it has the wrong fluid in it but the fact that shuting off
    the key makes a difference leads me to an electrical problem. Hopefully
    someone else has seen this problem before and can help me out.
    jktaz, Feb 18, 2006

  2. ----------------------

    Do a google search regarding blown capacitors in the ECU. It's age
    related, so yours is the right age. Have you searched this NG? There
    have been some posts even a few months ago. A drain-n-fill with Honda Z1
    (or two or three) is just common sense, but it sounds like you might be
    right about the electronics. There are a few caps and a resistor or two
    that blow. It's a DIY job if you can solder. Some folks just go to the
    wrecker and buy a used unit.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 18, 2006
  3. jktaz

    jktaz Guest

    This may sound like a dumb question but is there an ECU and a trans computer
    or are they both one and the same?

    jktaz, Feb 18, 2006
  4. Try tegger.com and search for more . . .

    FROM: http://www.ecmtogo.com/ECMTips2.htm

    Mitsubishi/Honda ECM failures -- Fact or fiction:

    The fact is, the Mitsubishi and Honda models of ECMs and TCUs
    manufactured within the years of 1989-1994 utilize certain electrolytic
    capacitors that after a certain number of hours or mileage, begin a
    systematic breakdown. These capacitors eventually break their seal and
    leak the electrolyte which is a corrosive substance. [SNIP]

    Google is your friend.......

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 18, 2006
  5. jktaz

    Misterbeets Guest

    You need a way to cycle the AT controller without shutting off the
    engine, to truly assign the problem to the controller. Because in
    shutting off the engine you are also letting the hydraulic pressure
    fall to zero.

    You could remove and reconnect its power connector/fuse with the engine
    running, to see if that has the same effect.
    Misterbeets, Feb 19, 2006
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