1990 Honda Accord Overdrive issue

Discussion in 'Accord' started by cwang66, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. cwang66

    cwang66 Guest


    I have a 1990 Honda Accord Ex with automatic transmission and 120K
    mileages on it. The overdrive light will come up randomly and
    transmission shift will not change to gear 4 (up to gear 3 only.). I
    have tried to fix the problem a few times. Below is the description the
    all of the repairs I have done in two repair shops:

    About 3 months ago on repair shop #1: The overdrive light would always
    be on and transmission gear would not change to gear 4. I believe the
    shop did some repair on the overdrive control itself, the problem went

    Three weeks after the first repair: The issue came up again. I brought
    the car to the second shop. This time the shop diagnosed the issue as
    transmission issue. The shop replaced the transmission with a used one.

    5 weeks after the transmission change: the speed speedometer stopped
    working and the override light issue came back. I heard mechanical
    cracking noise from the car. I brought the car back to the shop. I
    thought the speed cable was broken (I am not sure if I am using the
    right terminology.), but the shop told me a mechanic part that
    connected to the cable was broken. The shop replaced the part.

    4 weeks after the repair, the overdrive issue came back again. The
    light would constantly be on. I brought the car back to the shop and
    the shop owner saw the overdrive light was on. On the second day, when
    the shop owner started the car, the overdrive light was off. He drove
    the car around, but the issue just wouldn't come cup. He bought a
    replacement part for the speed sensor, but he told me that he didn't
    think the speed sensor's caused the issue (he used an electronic test
    equipment to test if there was any issue, but the equipment did not
    indicate any thing wrong with the car.). I told him to replace the
    speed sensor anyway.

    Two days after the previous fix, the issue came back. This time the
    shop owner told me the test equipment indicated some problems with the
    car's control computer (he told me the equipment returned code 19, 24
    (I may remember the numbers wrong)). He refreshed the computer's
    setup and drove the car home to make sure it worked this time. I went
    to his shop to pick up the car last night. The issue came back after
    about 4 miles of driving. The overdrive light would come up and
    disappear randomly. It went away after about 10 miles of driving. This
    morning the light came up after about 5 miles of driving. It stayed on
    for the rest of driving (13 miles of driving totally.).

    Since I have replaced just about everything, I am deciding on what I
    should do next. I do believe the second shop was trying to fix the
    issue, but I am just getting a little tried of all the time and money
    spent on this issue. Based on what people have posted on the net, it
    appears to me that this issue might have something to do with the
    transmission control computer. Should I bring the car to a Honda
    dealer? I live in San Jose, California. If anyone can recommend a good
    repair shop or dealer, I will appreciate it.
    cwang66, Oct 13, 2005
  2. cwang66

    jim beam Guest

    first, i don't want to sound difficult or facetious, but are sure this
    is a honda? hondas don't have overdrive so you can't be having a
    problem with it.

    second, yes, take it to the dealer.

    third, sue the idiots that ripped you off for misdiagnosis.

    if you want to find out what's really going on, buy the factory manual
    from helminc.com.
    jim beam, Oct 14, 2005

  3. ----------------------------------

    Sounds like you should have gone to the dealer in the first place . .
    They are the ones who would have changed out your ATF with Honda Z1, and
    if that didn't fix it, their diagnostic tools probably would have
    pointed to the defective component.

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 14, 2005
  4. cwang66

    HPGrn Guest

    Don't have overdrive....hmmmm. wonder what that button under the
    shifter on mine is, then. When I switch it, the light comes on and
    locks out 4th gear(overdrive)...... 90 Accord
    HPGrn, Oct 15, 2005
  5. cwang66

    jim beam Guest

    you can call it whatever you want, but from a mechanical perspective,
    it's not an overdrive, it's just 4th gear.
    jim beam, Oct 16, 2005
  6. cwang66

    HPGrn Guest

    Hmmm, the light on the dash says something like "O/D off"....guess
    you'll just have to take up your semantic argument with Honda...just
    preface your statements with: "I'm right; you're wrong" and see how
    far you can get. (I agree that it's not a 'true' overdrive, but it's
    not really worth much more effort to argue with arrogance.)
    HPGrn, Oct 16, 2005
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