1990 honda accord radio fuse

Discussion in 'Accord' started by etoyfixers, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. etoyfixers

    etoyfixers Guest

    My radio isnt working. I can hear the antenna motor when I turn it on
    but the radio itself doesnt do anything. I pulled the radio but I dont
    see a fuse on it or in it... I checked the regular fuses and they look
    etoyfixers, Dec 16, 2006
  2. etoyfixers

    motsco_ Guest


    Look in the other fuse box.

    motsco_, Dec 16, 2006
  3. etoyfixers

    etoyfixers Guest

    Yeah I looked. Is there a fuse in the radio itself?
    etoyfixers, Dec 17, 2006
  4. etoyfixers

    Dunno Guest

    wrote in 79g2000cws.googlegroups.com:
    Etoyfixers, the problem is not the fuse if you are hearing the antenna
    motor. The radio is getting power for it to activate the antenna. Your
    problem is somewhere else - maybe the amplifier in the radio.
    Dunno, Dec 31, 2006
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