1990 Honda suspension noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    1990 Honda Accord

    on sharp curves over 20 mph there is a whining/rubbing noise. Other than
    that its fine.

    any guess as to what the problem is ?

    Guest, Aug 6, 2009
  2. Guest

    JRE Guest

    Without hearing the noise, my guess is wheel bearing or (possibly) CV
    joint. Wheel bearings can take a long time to die, usually, and get
    progressively noisier as they go until they roar pretty loudly. CV
    joints usually make a rapid clunking noise in very tight low-speed turns
    when they start to go bad.

    The wheel bearing on the '90 is a real PITA to change. Consider having
    it done if that's what the problem is.
    JRE, Aug 7, 2009
  3. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    Does the noise happen only when turning in ONE direction?
    Tegger, Aug 7, 2009
  4. Guest

    jim beam Guest

    have you changed the disc or caliper recently? there's a different
    thickness in disks between 89 & 90, [89 is skinnier] and the caliper
    needs to be correct to accommodate. if there's an incorrect caliper
    relative to the disk, you'll hear a scraping noise when you corner. or
    it's just a bearing. time to inspect.
    jim beam, Aug 7, 2009
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    noise is the same in both directions
    Guest, Aug 7, 2009
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