1991 Accord Engine is Revving in Neutral

Discussion in 'Accord' started by mgasior, Dec 4, 2004.

  1. mgasior

    mgasior Guest

    My wife has a '91 manual transmission, Accord that just rolled over
    200,000 miles. Lately, when she has been in neural, the engine will
    start to rev up to about 2000 rpm and then drop back down to about
    1000, and continue this loop until she is in gear and drives away.

    At first, this was an intermittant problem that seemed to go away after
    the engine warmed up, but lately it has been happening longer and
    longer, at times even when shifting gears.

    Anyone know what might be causing this and how we might be able to fix
    mgasior, Dec 4, 2004
  2. Sounds an awful like a vacuum leak.
    Steve Bigelow, Dec 4, 2004
  3. mgasior

    motsco_ _ Guest


    How full is the rad, how full is the reservoir, and have you recently
    done any work on the cooling system?

    Is the temp guage stable? Good cabin heat?

    motsco_ _, Dec 4, 2004
  4. mgasior

    mgasior Guest

    We replaced the radiator just a few months ago (Aug or Sept, I can't
    remember) and we haven't had any problems with the temp gauge and cabin
    heat is fine. I will double check the radiator and reservoir, but would
    the rad cause the RPMs to jump up and down? I had thought it could be
    some sort of sensor, but I'm curious to know what you're thinking it
    could be since I hadn't considered the cooling system being the

    Thanks for your post -- anything to help narrow it down.
    mgasior, Dec 7, 2004
  5. mgasior

    mgasior Guest

    We replaced the radiator just a few months ago (Aug or Sept, I can't
    remember) and we haven't had any problems with the temp gauge and cabin
    heat is fine. I will double check the radiator and reservoir, but would
    the rad cause the RPMs to jump up and down? I had thought it could be
    some sort of sensor, but I'm curious to know what you're thinking it
    could be since I hadn't considered the cooling system being the

    Thanks for your post -- anything to help narrow it down.
    mgasior, Dec 7, 2004
  6. mgasior

    mgasior Guest

    We replaced the radiator just a few months ago (Aug or Sept, I can't
    remember) and we haven't had any problems with the temp gauge and cabin
    heat is fine. I will double check the radiator and reservoir, but would
    the rad cause the RPMs to jump up and down? I had thought it could be
    some sort of sensor, but I'm curious to know what you're thinking it
    could be since I hadn't considered the cooling system being the

    Thanks for your post -- anything to help narrow it down.
    mgasior, Dec 7, 2004
  7. mgasior

    RCM Guest

    O2 sensor...... 92 Accord did it.... 98 Accord did it.... Same fix.
    RCM, Dec 8, 2004
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