1991 honda accord tricky start

Discussion in 'Accord' started by jostus, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. jostus

    jostus Guest

    Hello all. I have a 91 honda accord which I just replaced the distibutor
    on because a police man pulled the spark plug wires while the engine was
    running. (car was stolen and recovered). But the car will start normal
    99.9 percent of the time but every now and then it will crank, fire, and
    then die. Try again, nothing. again crank fire die etc. The amout of
    starts vary but it will sudenly start normaly. I have inspected the main
    relay and it looks normal. I can hear it clicking as well. The only big
    change is idle drops faster than I remember but it does not go below idle
    limits. Thanks for what ever input you can give me.
    jostus, Oct 24, 2004
  2. jostus

    Graham W Guest

    Thing to listen for (as well as the click) is the fuel pump running for
    a couple of secs as the CEL is lit.
    Graham W, Oct 24, 2004
  3. jostus

    Terry Guest

    Even if the main realy looks good, replace, or resolder the
    So far since late August when a friend's 1990 Civic "died" I have seen
    10 1989~1992 main realys that where BAD. One looked OK, but when I
    the contact resistance, I have built a special test rig, the
    resistence was
    about 30 Ohms, and would vary as I taped on the relay shell. After
    the resistance is less then .1 Ohm. Most have been from wrekced
    vehicals on the way to the crunching yard, but this one was from a
    classmate of our friendthe classmate had her 1991 Civic die at school.
    Our friend carries a spare relay (ECM distributor(with a new ignitor),
    rotor, cap etc) and helped her out by swapping the suspect unit with a
    repaired one. The engine started and ran great. She had been having
    hard starts, especially on hot days, or after a short stop.
    She brought the relay to me for study. I have worked in electronics
    for 35 years, and I have never seen so repeatable a failure mode as
    Honda EFI relays. The solder joints are just BAD. The relay gets no
    airflow, and does run very hot, so maybe this is the reason why they

    In any situation where a Honda has a hard start, or starts then dies,
    I suspect the relay until proven other wise with a know good unit.
    Terry, Oct 25, 2004
  4. jostus

    jostus Guest

    I think that I have found a pattern with the starts. After the initial
    start in the morning where the idle is about 1500 and drops to about 500.
    every other start the idle drops to 500 right after start even if she has
    been sitting for a while. after about the fourth start is when she dies.
    If I let the engine turn over about four to five secs the next start she
    will fire up normal. Thanks for both of your sugestions. I will take a
    look at the relay again. now I just need to resolder the board right. I
    do not need to remove it from the connector housing. I will also listen
    for the pump during the start. thanks again
    jostus, Oct 26, 2004
  5. jostus

    jostus Guest

    OK I am getting spark. I do not hear a fuel pump at all, But the car runs
    99 percent of the time. Once it has started I have no problems. She never
    stalls or stutters while running. And she starts most of the time as well.
    Could it be something with the slow or fast idle settings?
    jostus, Oct 31, 2004
  6. About the relay, turn the ignition on and listen for a click then
    another two seconds after. When soldering the relay, remove the old
    solder and put in a fresh quality one. I suspect the idle at 500 rpm
    could result from running on three cylinders, initially. If you see
    smoke from the tailpipe, probably a flood.

    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 2, 2004
  7. jostus

    jostus Guest

    Well all thanks for the help.
    I reworked the main relay and I have yet to have the car not start on me
    yet. It had become cold in Houston( at least as cold as Houston can
    get)and the cold seems to help the situation as well. So thanks for all
    your help Rick
    jostus, Nov 10, 2004
  8. jostus

    Graham W Guest


    I have a pal in Houston and chatting at the weekend, I was surprised
    to learn of the chillier temps.
    Graham W, Nov 10, 2004
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