1991 honda civic dx

Discussion in 'Civic' started by NJ W, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. NJ W

    NJ W Guest

    I have a civic that runs great my problem is at start ~up it doesn`t
    always want to start up hot or cold ,replaced (aux) injector,fuel
    filter,spark plugs,it seems to be the fuel pump doesn`t always work-like
    there electrical problem in the wiring or a loose connection or maybe
    even in the key switch have brought it to local dealer but they can`t
    seem to find anything wrong........was wondering if anyone else had
    simaliar problem or maybe i can rewire the fuel pump with a on off
    NJ W, Aug 20, 2003
  2. NJ W

    ledu Guest

    (NJ W) wrote in 2233.public.lawson.webtv.net:

    well, i did have the same problem with my crx.....
    wuts i consider you do is check the sensors and all the wiring in side the
    car. push in the sparkplug wire alittle from the distributer cap(its black
    and next to the ignition. its usually the ignition coil that causes
    problems like these. have these check maybe itl help.....
    ledu, Aug 20, 2003
  3. NJ W

    chad Guest

    hi i have a 1991 honda it is the relay for the fuel pump if you crank the
    engine over just a little but leave the key on then you will here a click
    and then start it it should start right away
    but remember dont crank over to much just click it umtil it turs over once
    but makr sure the lights in the dash r still on ok then wait until you here
    a click then start
    chad, Sep 28, 2003
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