1992 Honda Accord EX Trouble Starting in Hot Weather

Discussion in 'Accord' started by sjfleenor, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. sjfleenor

    sjfleenor Guest

    The last couple of summers during hot weather I've had trouble
    starting my car. I've changed the plugs, which seemed to help, but
    didn't complete remedy the problem. I do not have this trouble in the
    winter or milder weather. Give me some ideas about what I can do to
    fix this problem without taking the car to a mechanic. I'm on a small
    disability check and really can't afford to do that unless it is
    ABSOLUTELY necessary. Any advice?
    THX, Sheila
    sjfleenor, Aug 3, 2010
  2. sjfleenor

    jim beam Guest

    honda main relay. check out tegger.com for details.
    jim beam, Aug 3, 2010
  3. sjfleenor

    Tegger Guest

    It's most likely the PGM-FI Main Relay. /Very/ common problem with older
    Tegger, Aug 3, 2010
  4. sjfleenor

    sjfleenor Guest

    PGM-F1 relay? Is this something I can check and fix on my own?
    sjfleenor, Aug 3, 2010
  5. sjfleenor

    DDDudley Guest

    sjfleenor, wrote the following at or about 8/3/2010 5:15 PM:
    Sheila, I'd venture a guess that not a one of us would have a clue as to
    whether or not this fix is beyond your capabilities. Why don't you
    follow the suggestion of Jim Beam and take a look at the website he
    mentioned. Here... this link will take you right to the header for the
    problems with the PGM-F1 relay:


    Read through it, look at the ample illustrations and then answer your
    own question. If nothing else, if you lack the dexterity to accomplish
    the task, perhaps you can ask a friend or neighbor to do it for you.
    It's not rocket science but it does require the ability to read and
    follow directions as well as the aforementioned manual dexterity.

    Good luck!
    DDDudley, Aug 3, 2010
  6. sjfleenor

    sjfleenor Guest

    I'll do that! Thank you VERY MUCH!!
    sjfleenor, Aug 4, 2010
  7. sjfleenor

    kimmo Guest


    the link from 'Are K&N and other "performance" air filters a good idea? (external
    link)' appears to point to a dead site

    just fyi
    kimmo, Aug 4, 2010
  8. sjfleenor

    Tegger Guest

    That one has been up. down, up, down several times over the years. Looks
    like the domain has now expired. The page might be located someplace else;
    I'll have to check. If not, I have a locally-saved copy...

    Thanks for the heads-up.
    Tegger, Aug 4, 2010
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