1992 Honda Accord Wagon - A/C Blower Works Then Dies Repeatedly

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Gary Sweeten, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. Gary Sweeten

    Gary Sweeten Guest

    Yesterday, I was sitting idle with the A/C on, it was hot outside (110 f) in
    Phoenix. After 10-15 minutes, the A/C blower fan slowed down to almost
    nothing where little air was blowing. It didn't appear to die altogether.
    But it was close.

    Since then, whenever I turn on my A/C and crank the fan switch to high, the
    same thing happens where the A/C works fine and the blower works for about
    10 seconds, then slows down again to almost nothing.

    When traveling on the highway, you can tell the A/C is working okay because
    there is a little air movement and that little amount of air is cool.

    Gary Sweeten
    Glendale, AZ
    Gary Sweeten, Sep 1, 2007
  2. Gary Sweeten

    nm5k Guest

    Sounds like a bad fan motor. But I would verify proper voltage before
    condemned it.. Do you smell any kind of burning or electrical smell
    when this happens? When fan motors go out, they often overheat
    and sometimes you can smell it.
    nm5k, Sep 3, 2007
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