1992 Honda Civic DX Lighting problems

Discussion in 'Civic' started by anon, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. anon

    anon Guest

    Recently the fuse that powers the dashboard blew. This seemed to have
    caused the tail-lights to stop working, the brake-lights and signal
    lights work fine. When the problem first began, I could be in
    park/idle and the dashlights would work until I started driving
    around, then the fuse would blow. Now though, whenever I flick the
    light's on to light the dashboard, the fuse blows. Any ideas?
    anon, Feb 9, 2005
  2. anon

    motsco_ _ Guest


    If you've changed the radio, the 'illumination' wire may be dangling
    loose inside your dash. When the vehicle moves, it shorts to ground.

    motsco_ _, Feb 9, 2005
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