1993 Accord says "whoooop!" in corners?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dan Birchall, Aug 31, 2003.

  1. Dan Birchall

    Dan Birchall Guest

    We have a '93 Accord LX 4-door. In the last week or two, I've noticed
    that sometimes when I corner a bit hard, or corner while braking a bit
    hard (i.e. if I'm looking for a road and only see it at the last moment)
    I hear a "whoop" or sometimes "whooooooop" sound. Not a screech like
    you'd hear on a car with the belts slipping - it sounds very much like
    a human saying "whoop." I'm pretty sure it's coming from the left side,
    and think it's probably the left rear, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

    I'm guessing it's got to be something with the wheels, suspension or
    drivetrain. Does this noise ring ANY bells for anyone? I've consulted
    Google Groups and found lots of stuff about wheel bearings and CV joints,
    neither of which sounds like it's what I'm hearing.


    -Dan (followup to the group, please.)
    Dan Birchall, Aug 31, 2003
  2. Dan Birchall

    Dan Birchall Guest

    Thanks, Kent! It's got about 175K miles. I'll give both of those areas
    a look. (I hope I didn't bust any springs last month in a neighborhood
    where the "roads" turned out to be rutted cart tracks... :)

    Dan Birchall, Sep 3, 2003
  3. Dan Birchall

    Dan Birchall Guest

    I took a mechanic for a spin but couldn't get it to squeak loud enough
    for him to hear it. He did, though, hear other noises in the turns that
    indicated the ball-bearings in the CV joints were dying. So I had him
    swap the CV axles out when I took it in for its 7500-mile maintenance,
    and it doesn't squeak _or_ make the other noises now. :)
    Dan Birchall, Sep 25, 2003
  4. Dan Birchall

    Dan Birchall Guest

    That was then, this is now. Over the last 6 weeks, the squeaks have
    returned with a vengeance. They occur _only_ when steering, which
    leads me to believe (after reading many, many threads about squeaky
    old Accords ;) that it's something in the steerable part of the
    suspension. Control arms, bushings, bearings, etc.

    The maintenance schedule for this model (p 4-4 to 4-5 of the Service
    Manual, Honda P/N 61SM405) doesn't really refer to the suspension in
    a very detailed way, but p 18-9 to 18-19 go into lots and lots of
    detail (dang, there are a LOT of bushings and bearings in that! :)

    I haven't yet gotten the tools to make use of the knowledge I glean
    from the Service Manual ;) so I'm going to have the friendly local
    ASE guy who fixes most things on the car take a look at those parts.

    Dan Birchall, Nov 27, 2003
  5. Dan Birchall

    Horseman Guest

    If the squeak sounds more like a groan or a creak, the exact same thing
    happened to my '93 Accord last week. It turned out to be a lower ball
    joint, which had significant play in it. I got both joints replaced by a
    private Honda specialist for $250 (Canadian). The car currently has
    210,000 km (about 130,000 miles) on it.
    Horseman, Nov 29, 2003
  6. Dan Birchall

    Dan Birchall Guest

    When I first heard it I described it as a "Whoooop" :) It doesn't sound
    like a high-pitched squeak, no. I'm going to have our trusted mechanic
    (as opposed to the dealer's service folks, who've lost my trust) look at
    Dan Birchall, Nov 29, 2003
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