1993 Civic Hard Starting Problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Ari Rankum, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. Ari Rankum

    Jim Yanik Guest

    But once the switching transistor turns OFF,there's still the flyback EMF
    that has to be dealt with (on the primary side),otherwise the switching
    xstr breaks down and fails due to those high voltages.That's where the fast
    recovery diodes enter the picture.(along with other snubbing circuitry) The
    fast diode allows less of the back EMF to reach the switcher xstr.

    BTW,the switcher transistor only dissipates power when it is ON,when it's
    off,it passes no current,thus no dissipation.That's why they use low ON-
    resistance devices,to reduce dissipation inthe switcher xstr.
    And the inductance of the long wiring between relay and fuel pump windings
    helps limit that.
    Jim Yanik, Sep 7, 2004
  2. Ari Rankum

    lackej1971 Guest

    I had a similar problem and you may want to check your timing belt. If your
    car has jumped time, it will be hard to start at different times, but there
    can be horerendous engine damage if the situation is not corrected in time
    in the form of bent valves and wrecked pistons.

    lackej1971, Sep 24, 2004
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